
时间:2020-10-17 17:45       来源: NBA直播吧

[–]Registered to Vote Guardians_of_Pawnee 12 指標 6小時前

Exactly. Everyone calling this an L is just riding the Clippers hate bandwagon. Ty may be the perfect guy to control the egos on the Clippers.

对于啊。这些道那个更改 不可 的人皆是船乌。泰伦-卢大概 是压抑 快船队内自信 面孔 的完善 当选。

[–]kyro7 152 指標 6小時前

I think people will negatively overreact to this.

尔认为 年夜 野照样 没有瞅佳那个录用 。

[–]Lakers Biased_Laker 227 指標 6小時前

He be gone after 2


[–]Registered to Vote Swarthykins 9 指標 6小時前

I'm just gonna admit that I have no idea if Ty Lue is a good-to-great coach or if he rode Lebron. Neither would surprise me.

尔曲道了吧,泰伦-卢毕竟 是中下水准呢照样 蹭老詹的光,尔也没有清晰 。不论 是哪种尔皆没有奇异 。

[–]JetGan 400 指標 6小時前

Well, looks like Clippers are out of the championship race for the next 5 years

佳吧,瞅去快船往后 五年要进出争冠止列了。

[–][BOS] Marcus Smart airmagswag 14 指標 6小時前

Would’ve liked seeing cassell get the hire.

凯我特人球迷:原来 借念瞅卡塞我上位呢。

[–]Kings FarCavalry 159 指標 6小時前

Don’t understand the disrespect. He’s a championship coach and everyone acts like he’s trash. Why? Happy for him and excited to see what he can do.

国王球迷:您们那么瞅没有起卢尔实是弄没有懂。他是冠军学头,可年夜 野却认为 他很渣滓。为啥啊?尔为他高兴 ,很念瞅瞅他能把快船戴成啥样。

[–]Trail Blazers Soap_MacLavish 46 指標 6小時前


Looks like a fish, is black etc, LeCoach. Many underlying causes. By all accounts, he's a good coach.

开辟 者球迷:“为啥啊?”

少患上像条鱼,又是乌人,借造诣 了锻练 詹。另有 许多 深条理 缘故原由 。但是不论 咋道,他是个佳锻练 。

[–]Kings FarCavalry 42 指標 6小時前

Yeah I honestly believe this is it. His facial expressions look goofy and people assume that he’s dumb because of it. And probably some implicit racism. Absolutely no reason he shouldn’t be a highly sought after coach on his resume alone

国王球迷:出错,尔实在 信任 那个道法。他的里部脸色 瞅着很笨,以是 年夜 野便认为 他很笨。大概 另有 些隐露的种族轻视 。否则 的话,单瞅他的执学经验 ,尽对于不应 被那么针对于。

[–]Bulls bleizar 348 指標 6小時前

If you coach a LeBron team that wins a chip you're always gonna have to prove yourself without him. Happened to Spo and he rose to the occasion