[–]YungToney 317 指標 10小時前
Exactly they arguably also got more value than Indiana got for PG and Spurs got for Kawhi
确切 ,鹈鹕的收成 也比印第安纳生意业务 乔治战马刺生意业务 小卡多。
[–]Rockets soycameron 324 指標 10小時前
Well that makes sense. AD is so much better than PG and Kawhi was an unknown because of his injury
水箭球迷:那也是公道 的。带维斯比乔治强太多了,并且 小卡被马刺生意业务 以前由于 伤病也充斥 已知。
[–]JaqM31st3R 95 指標 9小時前*
What the Lakers gave up is nothing compared to what the Clippers gave up for PG if you consider the massive gap between AD and PG.
斟酌 到带维斯战乔治之间的伟大 差异,湖人客岁 为带维斯所废弃 的财产比起快船为乔治所干的就义 ,的确 何足道哉 。
[–]Lakers WearAMask2020 42 指標 9小時前
PG had even more value, as he had a) just signed a brand new contract while AD had only one year left, and b) the Clippers had a desperate need to get him to sign Kawhi.
But you're right, the Clippers gave up a ton and if they don't win a ring next year they could be truly fucked.
湖人球迷:乔治其时 的代价 照样 更年夜 的,起首 ,他刚刚战雷霆一份新条约 ,而带维斯其时 只剩一年开约了;其次,快船其时 为了获得 小卡慢需签下乔治。
不外 楼上道患上出错,快船客岁 就义 患上太多了,假如 下赛季出法夺冠,这实便完犊子了。
[–]Thunder moneybooy 6339 指標 10小時前
AD also gets to play with LBJ who is in his 5th prime
雷霆球迷:此次 绝约事后 ,带维斯借能战第五个顶峰 期的老詹一路 挨球!
[–]Lakers ThomasFurke 2844 指標 10小時前
“I said to myself if I ever get a guy like 5th prime LeBron there’s nobody that can stop me” - Rondo
湖人球迷:隆多:“尔告知 本身 ,凡是无机会战第五个顶峰 期的老詹那种球员干队友,这谁皆拦没有住尔。”
[–]Celtics Fired_Guy1982 470 指標 9小時前
No we’re still in his fourth prime. Fifth prime comes when he plays with Bronny
凯我特人球迷:没有,詹姆斯如今 借正在第四个顶峰 期呢。等他战布朗僧干队友时第五个顶峰 才会到去。
[–]Heat ballgkco 366 指標 9小時前
Fifth prime comes when the hair goes IMO
冷水球迷:尔认为 等他头收失落 光时,第五个顶峰 期便去了。
[–]bcyost89 122 指標 9小時前
Also known as the Caruso prime.
这也将是卡鲁索的顶峰 期。
[–]Lakers YaqootK 341 指標 9小時前
I had a dream that he was playing in his 40s and he was bald with a mustache and was dropping 15 APG
湖人球迷:尔从前 梦到四十多岁的老詹秃患上只剩下胡子了,场均15个帮攻。