[–]rSlashNbaAccount 3162 指標 10小時前
Will be interesting to see how long of a contract he'll sign.
尔倒很念瞅瞅带维斯此次 绝约签多暂。
[–]Lakers Zurdo112 60 指標 10小時前
Probably something small so that it lines up with LeBron’s potential free agency. He wants to set himself up for the 10 years of service type of max contract like Kawhi is doing.
湖人球迷:大概 是个短时间的,如许 便能战届时大概 会成为自在身的勒布朗婚配上。他念像小卡这样,给本身 弄个10年办事 期的这种顶薪条约 。
[–]Lakers PiresTheKing 2329 指標 10小時前
I think he is going for a 2 year so he can have the 10 year deal and also to don’t let the Lakers get too confortable
湖人球迷:尔认为 他会签个二年开约,如许 一去,今后 既能签一份10年少约,也没有至于让湖人太问心无愧 。
[–]0hSto 42 指標 10小時前
Sure but you open yourself up to risk and AD hasn’t been the most healthy player
这是,可这便表示着他要冒危急了啊,带维斯一向 皆出那末康健 吧。
[–]PyrrhosKing 73 指標 10小時前
He’s young enough and great enough that the risk is probably small. KD just got a max as did Klay after serious injuries.
他借充足 年青 ,又颇有气力 ,危急应当 很小。阿杜受了这种轻伤,没有还是 拿了顶薪嘛,克莱也是啊。
[–]Kevinfederlinesuncle 36 指標 9小時前
Also AD has been pretty damn healthy the last like 4/5 years
而且 比来 那四五年,带维斯一向 皆很特么康健 !
[–]EarthWarping 1407 指標 10小時前
2 + 1 gets him to the 10 year contract + if Lebron opts in/does a 1 + 1 next su妹妹er, it matches them up for both UFA in 2022.
先2+1绝签,末了 签个10年少约,假如 詹姆斯来岁 炎天 履行 球员选项大概 签个1+1,这他俩到了22年便皆是没有受限定 自在球员。
[–]Mavericks msterling2012 743 指標 11小時前
LeBron will opt out to re-up for more money. Makes no sense financially to opt in.
独止侠球迷:为了拿更多的人为 ,老詹来岁 会跳出条约 的。从经济角度瞅,履行 球员选项道欠亨 啊。
[–]Lakers UsefulAlgae1 1382 指標 10小時前
Something tells me LeBron will be fine financially no matter what decision he makes.
湖人球迷:尔咋认为 不论 老詹干甚么决议 ,他皆能赚够呢。
[–]Ok_Internet4444 1129 指標 10小時前
It's not a financial security thing. LeBron's thinking is "I'd be worth at least 60 Million a Year in a league with no cap. They're paying me everything". LeBron wants to own a team. He's getting every dollar he can.
那便没有是啥财力保证 的事女。老詹的设法主意 是“如果 出有薪资帽,尔最少值每一年6000万。球队啥皆患上给尔”。詹姆斯念具有一收球队。他如今 便患上只管 多赢利 。