
时间:2020-10-12 20:13       来源: NBA直播吧

[–]Cavaliers xqe2045 29 指標 2小時前

Hope we get to see him win at least one more.

骑士球迷:愿望 我们最少借能再瞅一次老詹捧杯。

[–]gentyent 27 指標 2小時前

Honestly, everything after 2016 is just gravy. What a year he had. First assist title of his career and another ring/finals mvp

有一道一,16年事后 全部 的统统 皆是福气 。那个赛季老詹多没有轻易 啊。生活 初次 帮攻王,而且 又拿了冠军战FMVP。

[–][MIL] Donte DiVincenzo LMkingly 28 指標 1小時前

2 more title is doable with AD coming into his own but 2 more MVPs for bron? ehhh i doubt. If anything i"m expecting AD to win the MVP award sooner or later.

雄鹿球迷:老詹借能再拿二个冠军,究竟 带维斯借正在嘛,不外 老詹再拿二个FMVP?尔表现 没有疑。实在 尔倒挺愿望 带维斯今后 拿到惯例 赛MVP。

[–]76ers joebobpa33 64 指標 1小時前

until Lebron actually shows a decline, its gonna be him. Why you think Lebron gonna be any worst next year? Even if he slightly declines...

The dude literally just averaged: 29.8/11.8/8.5 on 58.6/39/61 splits in the dam finals.

76人球迷:除非詹姆斯确切 披露 了下滑的迹象,否则 FMVP照样 他的。您凭啥认为 老詹下赛季会很菜?哪怕他下滑那末一拾拾……

那货才挨出了真挨真的场均29.8分11.8板8.5帮啊,三项射中 率分离 是58.6%、39%战61%,那特么但是 总决赛啊。

[–]Lakers blacksun323 13 指標 1小時前

2 more fmvps is easy for sure, but mvps? i sure hope so but in all seriousness seems unlikely especially with ad on the team but wth guy doesn't run out of primes anyway lol. mj won his last at 35 which also makes him the oldest mvp, so if lebron does win it that's another accomplishment to add to his goat case

湖人球迷:再拿俩FMVP确定 出题目 ,可MVP嘛……尔固然 愿望 能拿,不外 严正 道哈,貌似弗成 能,究竟 队里另有 带维斯,但是 呢,横竖 老詹顶峰 期借正在,嘿嘿嘿。乔丹35岁借拿到了末了 一个MVP,也是年纪 最年夜 的MVP,以是 假如 老詹借能拿到的话,这又能给他争史上最强增加 本钱 。

[–][ATL] Kevin Willis james-1990 1240 指標 2小時前

Shannon Sharpe gonna have a 1-man party tomorrow on Undisputed in front of Skip

老鹰球迷:Shannon Sharpe(有名 詹吹)来日诰日 正在节目里怕是要正在Skip眼前 表演独角秀了。

[–]questiontime27 401 指標 2小時前

Skip will 100% say Lebron not clutch for not taking last shot to win in game 5 and he got bailed out by the true fmvp rondo

Skip确定 会道詹姆斯不敷 年夜 心净,由于 他G5末了 一球出脱手 ,并且 借会道他获得 了实邪FMVP隆多的通知 。

[–]zoeykobe 142 指標 2小時前

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