
时间:2020-10-12 20:13       来源: NBA直播吧

I think it was about people thinking that someone other than LeBron James is currently the best basketball player in the world. I think he understands not winning the MVP, but was salty about the margin that Giannis won it by.

尔认为 是由于 有些人以前认为 今朝 的天下 最强球员尚有 其人,以是 老詹才爆细回应。尔以为 老詹对于本身 出拿惯例 赛MVP是能懂得 的,不过对付 字母哥年夜 幅抢先的票数没有爽。

[–]Celtics JoJonesy 867 指標 2小時前

I remember, at the start of the playoffs, people were talking about how Kawhi could be the first player to win Finals MVP for three different teams.

Funny how that worked out, huh.

凯我特人球迷:借忘患上季后赛开端 这阵女,年夜 野皆道小卡要成为第一个代表三收分歧 球队拿到FMVP的球员。

成果 倒是 那个局势 ,故意 思哈

[–]Raptors Deca-Dence-Fan 12 指標 1小時前

Yeah it's pretty wild how narratives change. If Kawhi and the Clippers pulled that off the dude would legitimately be in discussion for top 10. Obviously that didn't happen, and everyone is rest assured just assuming that everyone was joking about him being top 10

fyi I don't think he deserves to be in that discussion, but he's definitely the best player to have played for the raps(sorry Kyle)

猛龙球迷:对于啊,言论风背改变 速率 之快也是够离谱的。假如 小卡战快船挺过去了,这年夜 野憎恶 前十球员的时刻 确定 会算上他。可实际 是快船推胯了,成果 大家 皆问心无愧 天讽刺 小卡的前十位置 。

尔认为 小卡不该 该退进前十的评论辩论 之列,但是他确定 是效率 过猛龙的最强球员(对于没有住了,洛瑞)。

[–][DET] Brandon Jennings peanutbutter1236 192 指標 2小時前

I’ve never rooted for a lebron team in my fuckin life and never will lmao but man I’m so happy to have been able to watch his career. Man is fucking amazing on and off the court I can respect it

活塞球迷:特么尔那辈子皆从已支撑 过詹姆斯效率 的球队,今后 也没有会,哈哈哈,但是 呢,可以或许 睹证他的事业生活 尔可过高兴了。不论 场内场中,他僧玛皆很精彩 ,瑞思拜!

[–]Warriors CaineBK 49 指標 2小時前

What if he signs with the Pistons? Then would you root for a lebron team?

懦夫球迷:假如 老詹减盟您塞呢?这您会支撑 他效率 的球队没有?

[–]Lakers Yordle_Dragon 126 指標 2小時前

If that happens then something very dark has happened in this timeline.

湖人球迷:要实有那末一天的话,这确定 会有好事女产生 。


[–][DEN] Jamal Murray Propuhganduh 60 指標 2小時前

That is my goat right there. Well deserved.

活塞球迷:他便是尔心中的史上最强!FMVP通情达理 !

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