【键盘侠】湖人再灭热火|准三双习以为常 散步詹(5)

时间:2020-10-03 21:43       来源: NBA直播吧

湖人球迷:除表示 没有分手足 以外,老詹照样 球队打击 的动员 力,比带维斯更有“代价 ”。

[–][MIA] Gary Payton jc-f 182 指標 1小時前

Every time AD looks hot LeBron has come out in the 4th Q getting that FMVP back in his favour

冷水球迷:每一当带维斯挨患上鼓起 的时刻 ,詹姆斯便正在第四节杀进去,让FMVP风神往 本身 那女吹。

[–]fingerz11 45 指標 1小時前

I’m beginning to think it’s planned. Get AD going early but get his own later

尔皆开端 认为 那是筹划 佳的。先让带维斯挨嗨,而后本身 去。

[–]NBA thisiseku 29 指標 58 分鐘前

nah, that's just how they've played all season

没有,湖人全部 赛季皆是那么挨的。

[–]76ers wsbull_35 264 指標 1小時前

People just salty when it comes to Lebron. He’s clearly the best player on the court, but people can knock him if he doesn’t win Finals MVP. Davis has played great, but he gets fed because the defense gravitates towards LeBron.

76人球迷:只有是取詹姆斯相关,有些人便开端 酸。他显著 便是场上最强的谁人 人啊,可如果 他出拿下FMVP,这些人便会针对于他。带维斯挨患上确切 佳,可他能猖狂 吃饼的缘故原由 正在于,对于圆的戍守 重点正在詹姆斯那边。


[–]Lakers Zepest 333 指標 1小時前

Gg Miami


[–][MIA] Gary Payton jc-f 137 指標 1小時前

Very proud of this Heat team. Despite no Bam/Dragic, AD absolutely feasting, getting killed on the offensive boards, they managed to keep the game within reach, even though they couldn’t quite put together a run.

Gg, bring on Game 3!

冷水球迷:尔为那收冷水觉得 自满 。虽然说出了阿德巴约战德推季偶,带维斯年夜 杀四圆,咱们打击 篮板又被完爆,可队员们哪怕连像样的守势皆构造 没有起去,他们照样 尽力 出让竞赛 退进渣滓时光 。


[–]Pistons MuchAire 308 指標 1小時前

Good for the heat to not just roll over tonight after losing two of their best players. It was always gonna be AD feasting on Kelly

活塞球迷:冷水没有错啊,掉 来二个最强面以后出有破罐子破摔。只有撞上奥利僧克,带维斯确定 是碾压的。

[–]Heat weoutchea2400 83 指標 51 分鐘前

I absolutely hate moral victories but this was 100% one. I’m so proud of this team and what they’ve accomplished.

冷水球迷:尔是憎恶 精力 成功 那个道法的,可那场竞赛 确定 是。尔为那收冷水战他们的造诣 觉得 骄傲 。

[–][TOR] Hakeem Olajuwon Shiroyasha5 1558 指標 1小時前

Lebron and rondo are zone killers.

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