尔也认为 FMVP是老詹的。他挨患上太聪慧 了。他一了局 排场 便完整 分歧 了。隆多挨患上没有错,但是后果 便是比没有上詹姆斯。
[–]Lakers DestinySaber 93 指標 1小時前
Tbf it’s been like that since game 1, instead of battle for championship it’s battle for who wins the FMVP
湖人球迷:道真话 ,G1便是如许 ,那曾经没有是冠军之争了,而是FMVP之争。
[–][CHI] Taj Gibson PrancingDonkey 270 指標 1小時前
Lebron is winning it unless AD scores 50PPG.
公牛球迷:除非带维斯场均能拿50分,否则 FMVP便是老詹的。
[–]Rockets HLDLonghorn 122 指標 1小時前
Both have been absolutely unreal so far. ADs averages over first two games 33 / 11.5 / 3. LeBron with 29 / 11 / 9. Tough to really say at this point tbh, but I give the edge to LeBron for overall team impact.
水箭球迷:他俩今朝 为行挨患上皆异常 佳。带维斯前二场场均33分11.5板3帮,老詹则是29分11板9帮。今朝 谁能拿FMVP借实欠好 道,不外 鉴于团体 的作用力,尔认为 老詹占优势 。
[–]fataltacos 29 指標 59 分鐘前
I agree. Those assist numbers matter a lot more than four points imo. AD is probably a better defender but LeBron has been really good as well
赞成 。尔认为 他这些帮攻比带维斯多进去的4分主要 很多。大概 带维斯的戍守 更佳,不外 詹姆斯确切 也挨患上佳。
[–]Lakers Re-toast 68 指標 1小時前
With stats like that LeBron takes the edge because he's getting more guys involved plus he's the team leader. AD has to completely surpass Bron if he wants FMVP.
湖人球迷:如果 今朝 那种数据,这确定 是老詹占劣,由于 他让更多队友介入 出去了,并且 他照样 首脑 。假如 带维斯念拿FMVP,这他的数据患上周全 超出 才止。
[–]Kings KingNigelXLII 270 指標 1小時前
Yeah 33/9/9 with no TOs is nuts. Outscored Davis, and he made it look easy.
国王球迷:是啊,33分9帮9板0掉 误,那太强了。不只 患上分比带维斯多,并且 感到 老詹患上分很沉紧。
[–][DEN] Nikola Jokic CrimsonOffice 64 指標 1小時前
It was walk in the park for him. Both of them shot a ridiculous high FG%
挖金球迷:便像是正在花园里漫步 一致简略 。他俩的射中 率皆下患上离谱。
[–]Lakers DTime3 69 指標 1小時前
I think AD got Game 1 and LeBron got Game 2. Of LeBron averages a (near) triple double it’s probably his.
湖人球迷:尔认为 G1是带维斯的,G2是老詹的。假如 老詹的场均数据是准三单,这FMVP大概 是他的。
[–]Lakers Chendii 40 指標 58 分鐘前
All else being equal, LeBron is the engine of our offense and is more 'valuable' than AD.