【键盘侠】AD绝杀掘金|控球跳投全都会 一条眉毛(9)

时间:2020-09-21 22:43       来源: NBA直播吧

[–]Mavericks UnPhayzable 1147 指標 5小時前

This is the best playoffs I've seen in so long


[–][SEA] Jerome James DG_Now 170 指標 5小時前

100%. These are the best four teams left in the league, with apologies to the Raptors, who are also up there.

The NBA 2020 season is weird as hell, but the playoffs have been incredible.

超音速球迷:尽对于的。那四收仅剩的部队 是同盟 最具气力 的。对于没有起猛龙了,实在 他们也是那一档。

那赛季的NBA很奇异 ,不外 季后赛却是 蛮悦目 的。

[–]Gran Destino MyLadySansa 71 指標 5小時前*

I like these Lakers. Lol Idk maybe the Clippers arrogance have made them rootable. Plus they haven't acted like assholes, no falling down laughing at opposing players. They've respected their opponents. Maybe it's cuz we watched them struggle in the bubble with their three point shooting, and it's rootable to see a team work through their failings. But, it's nice to see them pull everything together now.

尔爱好 那收湖人。哈哈哈,弄没有懂缘故原由 ,大概 是快船的狂妄 让尔念支撑 湖人吧。况且 湖人也出啥无赖 行动 ,又出有讥笑 敌手 。反倒很尊敬 敌手 。大概 是由于 他们战胜 了复赛以后便很辣眼睛的三分投射困难 吧。不外 呢,瞅到他们如今 能拧成一股绳照样 挺佳的。


起源 :Reddit


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