【键盘侠】AD绝杀掘金|控球跳投全都会 一条眉毛(8)

时间:2020-09-21 22:43       来源: NBA直播吧

If Caruso hit that shit.... The world might have blown up

湖人球迷:假如 卡鲁索这球退了……齐天下 皆炸锅。

[–]crimsonphoenix12 38 指標 5小時前

Actually goated lol

确切 是史上最强,哈哈哈

[–]Cavaliers RainierPC 59 指標 5小時前

That's actually their nickname for Caruso. I think it was Lebron who started calling Caruso that.


[–]Lakers TetsuoS2 1239 指標 5小時前

I was told not to worry about the Nuggets because the Lakers aren't the Clippers, please fuck off.

GG Nuggets.

湖人球迷:以前借道挖金出啥佳担忧 的,由于 湖人没有是快船。别特么瞎说了。


[–]Clippers PincheVatoWey 23 指標 5小時前

The Lakers showed better mental toughness than the Clippers. The Clippers looked shaken after they gave up their big leads and never seemed to recover. The Lakers clawed back and were in a position to win with their last possession.

Second, the Nuggets are just really good. This team is for real. Jokic is a monster.

快船球迷:湖人的毅力力比尔船加倍 倔强 。快船的抢先上风 出了以后便怂了,慢不外 劲女去。而湖人借能杀返来 ,那才有末了 一个回开赢球的本钱 。

其次,挖金确切 锋利 。那个队实没有是吹患上。约基偶是个怪物。

[–]Lakers RKFtw 24 指標 5小時前

They’ve been legit since last year to be honest


[–]Lakers Chubby_Giraffe 18 指標 5小時前

All the credit in the world to the nuggets they are very dangerous no matter the score or situation. AD is just so good, what ending

湖人球迷:要把掌声献给挖金,不论 是甚么比分甚么局势 ,他们皆异常 伤害 。带维斯佳强啊,那波末端 太安慰了。

[–]Lakers Rebel908 14 指標 5小時前

Seriously, Murray is really fucking good.

湖人球迷:借实是,穆雷实在 也强患上一匹。

[–]Lakers JlExoticlL 51 指標 5小時前

Nuggets got my respect, can't sleep on them, but we gotta work on those turnovers man.

湖人球迷:挖金博得 了尔的尊敬 ,不克不及 鄙视 他们,不外 咱也患上掌握 这些掉 误啊

[–]Lakers everydayisstorytime 48 指標 5小時前

Yup, the turnovers made it so ugly to watch.

湖人球迷:是啊,这些掉 误弄患上竞赛 很丢脸 。

[–]76ers moby323 1191 指標 5小時前*

How fucking awesome is it that the four teams left compete with so much heart and are the scrappiest, hungriest, most relentless and mentally tough teams in the league.

76人球迷:实鸡女过瘾啊,今朝 借剩下的四收球队皆是颇有心气女且精力 壮大 的,他们是同盟 里最佳斗、最饿渴也最倔强 的。

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