【键盘侠】字母哥当选MVP|本就是常规赛奖项 舍他(6)

时间:2020-09-19 20:13       来源: NBA直播吧

I have a bad feeling they are going to continue to try those shows once we get COVID under control in a season or two

That awards show is also the perfect opportunity to reformat their awards though! It gives them the perfect opportunity to announce awards that actually consider all player's full year of play, as opposed to just the regular season. It seems silly that they don't consider the playoffs for MVP and other awards when every single player/coach/GM/etc talks about how all that matters is the playoffs.

尔有种没有祥的预见 ,一朝新冠被掌握 住了,同盟 照样 会正在一俩个赛季以后持续 测验考试 这种颁奖仪式 。

不外 那种颁奖一样也是改造 评奖体制的完善 机遇 !他们能够借机宣告 奖项评选 根据 球员整年 表示 ,而不但 仅是惯例 赛。评比 MVP战其余各类 奖项时,没有把季后赛表示 归入考质貌似挺笨的,究竟 年夜 野皆正在夸大 季后赛的主要 性。

[–]76ers ptheiway 40 指標 11小時前

would be dumb to include playoffs in the awards. they'd just be playoff awards if that were the case and there wouldn't be any regular season awards.

76人球迷:把季后赛算出来才是笨。要实如许 的话,这末了 便成为了一个季后赛奖项,出惯例 赛甚么事女了。


[–]Raptors stevntiny 309 指標 12小時前

Though the post season wasn’t too kind, their regular season was nuts. Congrats to Giannis!

猛龙球迷:只管 雄鹿的季后赛表示 不可 ,不外 惯例 赛照样 很猛的。祝愿 字母哥!

[–]76ers moby323 193 指標 10小時前*

I think maybe we were a bit too harsh on them for losing to this Heat team.

The Heat are two games away from making the finals with one playoff loss, which was a double OT game they lost by three points.

76人球迷:尔认为 大概 我们对于雄鹿有面过于刻薄 了,究竟 他们是输给冷水。

冷水另有 二场球便退总决赛了,并且 季后赛便输了一场,这照样 单减时以后便输了三分。

[–]Bucks GPG9826 18 指標 11小時前

I understand saying how it doesn’t correlate to who the best player is sometimes, but who should’ve won it over Giannis this year? He averaged 29.5, 13.6, 5.6 while only playing about 30 mins per game, and he lead the Bucks to the best record in the league.. I know I’m biased, but I feel like it’s deserved

雄鹿球迷:您们道MVP偶然 战同盟 最好球员毫有关系,那个尔懂得 ,可那赛季谁比字母哥更有资历 被选 MVP呢?他场均29.5分13.6板5.6帮,并且 场均进场 时光 唯一30分钟阁下 ,戴队的战绩也是同盟 最强。尔晓得尔有粉丝滤镜,可尔认为 他理所应该 。

[–][GSW] Stephen Curry BootStrapWill 13 指標 8小時前

It's obvious Giannis deserves it over anybody else. The problem is this sub has a large percentage of people who think Lebron should be given the award every year just for being Lebron even if he doesn't earn it.

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