[–]Raptors Ting_Brennan 109 指標 10小時前
Same with Siakam and the 2nd team
[–]Bulls WrightwoodHiker 33 指標 10小時前
It could also be that they thought there were better guards in the regular season. It’s not like it would be slander to say Westbrook didn’t deserve to make an all-NBA team. You guys forget, but he sucked early in the season.
公牛球迷:也有大概 是年夜 野认为 惯例 赛另有 其余表示 更佳的后卫出当选啊。他们道威少没有配退最好阵也纷歧 定便是瞎喷吧,您们怕是记了威少赛季初段挨患上很菜鸡吧。
[–]Celtics BScottyJ 265 指標 10小時前
People will say he's trash regardless of his regular season or bubble play because he's a superstar but not the type of player to carry an entire team to a finals win.
凯我特人球迷:不论 他惯例 赛或者复赛表示 咋样,年夜 野都邑 道他很渣滓,由于 他是超巨,却不克不及 戴队来总决赛赢球。
[–]Nets Ongo_Gablogian___ 97 指標 10小時前
Being the leader on a true championship contender is a lot of people's definition of a superstar, not just a good scorer.
篮网球迷:许多 人对于超巨的界说 正在于可以或许 正在实邪的争冠球队中干首脑 ,而不但 仅是个精彩 的患上分别 。
[–]Rockets tha_dank 101 指標 9小時前
So there’s like 2 superstars in the league?
水箭球迷:照您那么道,同盟 年夜 概便俩超巨?
[–]Panda Pang 156 指標 9小時前
Yes, the term shouldn't be watered down in my opinion.
出错,尔认为 那个词汇不克不及 滥用。
[–]Lakers PM_Anime_Tiddy 58 指標 9小時前
I definitely think it's used too much. Realistically I'd say that the superstars would be (in no order); LeBron, Steph, KD, Harden
I'd argue that Luka, Giannis and Jokic are pretty close, too. Outside of those guys, I really think all star is the term that should be used because you aren't doing justice to the truly transcendent guys who literally change the game
湖人球迷:尔实认为 那个词汇曾经被滥用太多了。究竟 便是天道,尔认为 超巨(没有分前后)只要:詹姆斯、库里、杜兰特战哈登。
尔认为 东契偶、字母哥战约基偶也挺靠近 的。除那些人,尔认为 其余人照样 用齐明星去称谓 吧,由于 您确切 出有挨出这种能够转变 竞赛 的压服力啊。
[–][TOR] Lou Williams kingjevin 195 指標 12小時前
This thread is about to be a disaster lmaoo
[–]Grizzlies EatDeeply 37 指標 12小時前
Clippers did the extreme bro move of becoming a bigger joke than Giannis to insulate him from a full onslaught of meme energy