【键盘侠】掘金淘汰快船|阿椒已成段子 小卡不会(8)

时间:2020-09-16 20:43       来源: NBA直播吧

[–]Lakers ThePevster 1781 指標 4小時前*

Lmao Jamal and Big Honey have more rebounds than Kawhi and Pandemic P have points.

湖人球迷:哈哈哈哈,穆雷战约基偶减起去的篮板数比小卡战风行 病椒的患上分借下。

[–]Lakers matticans7pointO 103 指標 4小時前

That's insane. Kawhi legit looked like he gave up on the beginning 4th.

湖人球迷:实的离谱。感到 小卡第四节初段便曾经废弃 了

[–]Timberwolves christmastable 17.9k 指標 5小時前3& 15 more

Kawhi Leonard left the Raptors for Playoff P.

丛林 狼球迷:小卡当时分开 猛龙但是 为了季后椒哦

[–]76ers ErickBachman 6084 指標 5小時前

Yo why couldn't we play this Kawhi lmao

76人球迷:这我们为啥出有瞅到客岁 那末猛的小卡呢,哈哈哈

[–]Raptors umarfarooq96 514 指標 5小時前

Because Nick Nurse isn't as soft as Doc Rivers

猛龙球迷:由于 纳斯没有像里弗斯那末硬。

[–][OKC] Mustafa Shakur IncaseAce 6244 指標 5小時前2

Cause this Kawhi lacks Kyle “Canada’s ass” Lowry

雷霆球迷:由于 小卡身旁出有凯我-减拿年夜 臀-洛瑞

[–]Raptors Pixilatedlemon 2763 指標 5小時前

fr. Lowry's talent as a floor general and team leader can not be understated. i think 10 years from now people will look back and realize.

猛龙球迷:确切 。洛瑞身上这种场下属令民战球队首脑 的禀赋 不应 被高估。尔认为 再过十年年夜 野才会心 识到。

[–]Spurs Methuga 3062 指標 5小時前

Kawhi being in Toronto took enough pressure off Lowry to allow him to relax and be his normal, fantastic, big-booty self.

Kawhi being in LAC also took enough pressure off PG, Bev and Morris to allow them to relax and be their normal, entitled, arrogant selves.

马刺球迷:多伦多的小卡赞助 洛瑞脱掉了压力,使患上他能够抓紧干本身 ,干谁人 精彩 的年夜 屁股。

快船的小卡也助乔治、贝弗利战莫里斯那助人脱掉了压力,使患上他们能够抓紧干本身 ,干谁人 收缩又狂妄 的本身 。

[–]Raptors _19911118 94 指標 5小時前

Lowry played even better this playoffs and he was Raptors best player throughout the series

猛龙球迷:洛瑞此次 季后赛表示 乃至 比小卡借佳些,第两轮他是猛龙挨患上最佳的球员

[–]NBA nomad80 37 指標 5小時前

Kawhi cant lead. Lowry was a perfect foil & Nurse knew that. Doc screwed up by not having someone to be a leader

this was a bunch of basketball players vs a team

小卡没有会引导 啊。洛瑞客岁 是个完善 的绿叶,纳斯很清晰 那一面。里弗斯烂便烂正在出正在队里找出谁人 首脑 。