别的 ,假如 您们照样 认为 穆雷以前的条约 没有值谁人 价,这尔也没有晓得您能咋办了。他整轮系列赛皆面临 着快船的最强戍守 人,却仍然正在球队须要 的时候 蓄力发作 挨出了一场英俊 的G7战。
[–]Lakers fearlesspinata[ ] 82 指標 5小時前
I ain't afraid to say that I wasn't a believer of Jamal Murray prior to these playoffs. I always figured kid was at best a starting quality point guard but damn. This is a whole other level and then you add that crazy 3 pointer to put the nuggets up 18? Thats insane. This kid is the real deal - I'm a believer.
湖人球迷:坦率 道啊,本年 季后赛以前,尔是出把穆雷当回事女的。以前一向 皆认为 那儿童顶破天也便是个及格 的尾收控卫。成果 ,尔揩!他那表示 完整 战惯例 赛是二回事啊,并且 另有 谁人 让挖金抢先扩展 到18分的没有道理三分?太牛了。那儿童实出患上道,尔服了。
[–]Mavericks mendelsin 729 指標 5小時前
As a Clippers hater since two weeks ago, I can’t tell you how much this means to me
独止侠球迷:二周前成为船乌的尔表现 ,那场竞赛 对于尔的意思的确 弗成 描写 !
[–]Lakers ImnotVictor 13.9k 指標 4小時前*
Denver is the first team in NBA history to come back from multiple 3-1 deficits in a single postseason... WOW
[–]Timberwolves GametimeGarris 1174 指標 5小時前
I’m so happy rn. What a great, historic series. All the love in the world to the Nuggets
丛林 狼球迷:尔可太高兴 咯。那轮系列赛脚以载进史乘。齐天下 皆爱挖金!
[–]Thunder homefree122 10.2k 指標 4小時前& 7 more
Also, the Clippers traded more first round picks (5) for Paul George than field goals he had tonight (4).
雷霆球迷:另有 哦,快船当时用去生意业务 乔治的尾轮签(5个)比乔治古早退的球(4个)借多。
[–]Lakers OhKaleNo2 2844 指標 4小時前
OKC: no takesies backsies
湖人球迷:雷霆:不准忏悔 哦!
[–]Thunder uwanmirrondarrah 2958 指標 5小時前
oh yeah, its all coming together
雷霆球迷:爽啊,感到 皆返来 啦!
[–]chillw98 74 指標 5小時前
[–]Thunder saurons_scion 47 指標 4小時前
5 firsts AND two pick-swaps
雷霆球迷:五个尾轮签战!二个选秀交流 权。
[–]Warriors Scarlet_Breeze 726 指標 4小時前
And they got SGA and Gallo who both played really well this season. The thunder robbed the clippers blind in this trade
懦夫球迷:并且 雷霆借获得 了亚历山年夜 战减里内利,那俩人原赛季皆挨患上蛮佳。雷霆那笔生意业务 实是把快船一整理治薅。