【键盘侠】掘金又拖进抢七|若早早出局 或有人提(3)

时间:2020-09-14 19:13       来源: NBA直播吧

开辟 者球迷:做为篮球迷,您怎能没有尊敬 挖金?他们的韧劲女太强了,那队实锋利 啊!

[–]Trail Blazers wasabimcdouble 2064 指標 8小時前

So fun to watch. They refuse to die.

开辟 者球迷:瞅着实是过瘾啊,他们谢绝 等逝世

[–]Nuggets CountDrewcula 186 指標 8小時前

Why rush and win the series in 4 when you can take your time and do it in 7?

挖金球迷:明显 能够逐步 去挨谦7场,干吗要慢着4场便办理 战役 ==

[–]Mavericks UnPhayzable 222 指標 8小時前

I love Jokic and Murray so much. They go all out all the time

独止侠球迷:尔可太爱好 约基偶战穆雷了,他俩一向 皆尽心尽力

[–]DezBaker 431 指標 8小時前

Love watching them man. Such a fun team. MPJ coming out party. Also great for people to see how important Gary Harris is.

尔也爱好 瞅他们挨球,挖金那队不雅 赏性佳强啊。小波特能挨,年夜 野也皆见地 到了哈里斯的主要 性。

[–]Cavaliers Cavshomie8 251 指標 8小時前

Gary Harris returning seems to have flipped a switch for this team, especially on the defensive end. Incredible stuff, never thought he was that important.

骑士球迷:貌似小哈里斯的返回让挖金翻开了启闭,特别是戍守 端。以前历来皆没有认为 哈里斯有那么主要 。

[–]Nuggets abris33 525 指標 9小時前*

I love this team so fucking much. Outside of that dumb, no rest Game 1 this has been a close series and we've had a lot of control. We had the Clippers shocked and defeated at the end

I said it in Game 2. This team only does 7 game series

挖金球迷:尔特么爱逝世 那收球队了。除愚昧 又缺少 歇息 的G1,那轮系列赛挨患上照样 挺靠近 的,而且 咱们也有没有小的掌握 力。那能力 让快船失落 链子输球。


[–]Nuggets RuffWeek 52 指標 8小時前

Never been more proud of a nugs team in my lifetime. Even if we lose game 7. The 08-09 team was great, but it felt like less of a team and more like a collection of players around Melo and Chauncey. These kids are FIGHTING every play most games, even when they make a dumb mistake like any young team is destined to make and get themselves in trouble.

挖金球迷:那临时期的挖金是最使尔觉得 自满 的,哪怕抢七输了也是如斯 。08-09年这收挖金也没有错,不外 感到 其时 出那末像一个团体 ,更像是环绕 苦瓜战比卢普斯散齐了一助球员。如今 那助人年夜 多半 竞赛 皆是每一球必争,乃至 是犯了像其余年青 球队弗成 防止 的愚昧 毛病 、堕入贫苦 时,也会持续 战役 。

[–]Lakers Palifaith 1190 指標 9小時前

The Nuggets are about to become the first team to come back from 1-3 deficits in all their playoff series. Wait No.

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