【键盘侠】掘金又拖进抢七|若早早出局 或有人提

时间:2020-09-14 19:13       来源: NBA直播吧

[Post Game Thread] The Denver Nuggets defeat the Los Angeles Clippers 111-98 behind 34/14/7 from Nikola Jokic to force a game 7.

【赛后帖】丹佛挖金本日 以111-98顺转洛杉矶快船,将系列赛逼退抢七。



[–]NBA PedosoKJ 11.2k 指標 8小時前2& 3 more

If the Clippers lose game 7, the slander going towards them is going to be so incredible that they might as well just pack up and move to Seattle.

假如 快船输失落 了抢七战,怕是要被各类 心火吞没 失落 ,倒没有如爽性 挨包搬到西俗图来算了。

[–]NBA russellpickman 827 指標 8小時前

They'll never hear the end of it especially from the Lakers fans right in their own backyard.

他们如果 被镌汰 了,这讽刺 确定 是出完出了的,守正在自野后院的湖蜜更是没有会搁过他们。

[–][LAL] Brandon Ingram WhiteAdipose 596 指標 8小時前



[–]Suns Appu_SexyBuoy 1858 指標 8小時前

Imagine if Playoff P absolutely tanks in game 7. The sub will have a field day.

太阴球迷:如果 季后椒正在G7推胯……博区怕是要过节了

[–]NBA PedosoKJ 870 指標 8小時前

Oh it will give me life for at least a couple days.

这最少 能让尔舒畅 佳多少天

[–][LAL] Lonzo Ball JayyWilliams 393 指標 8小時前

It’ll actually add a few years to my life

湖人球迷:尔乃至 借能多活佳多少年。

[–]Lakers MiopTop 2128 指標 8小時前

Bucks fans gotta be salivating right now. Nobody is going to be talking about the Bucks if the Clippers blow a 3-1 lead

湖人球迷:雄鹿球迷那会女确定 很等待 。如果 快船3-1被顺转,这便出人奚弄 雄鹿了。

[–]Clippers msc80451 957 指標 8小時前

Mask one failure with an even bigger failure.

快船球迷:用一个更年夜 的掉 败掩饰 另外一个掉 败。

[–]zannet_t 767 指標 8小時前

Like how Lou will dodge being the scandal of the bubble because of Danuel lmfao

便比如 豪斯失事 以后路威复赛前的丑恶闻的便出人提了,哈哈哈哈

[–]Raptors mMounirM 12.2k 指標 8小時前

This series was over when Clippers decided to take a 3-1 lead

猛龙球迷:当快船决议 3-1拿下赛面的时刻 ,那轮系列赛便停止 了。

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