天呐,老拿詹姆斯近来比来,那实在 曾经解释 了他是最好。波什从前 道患上最佳,“假如 您借正在疑惑 35岁的詹姆斯能否是最强,这他便是最强的……”
[–]Cavaliers benelchuncho 102 指標 12小時前
We’ll see next round, can’t say anything yet. One game with my life on the line I’m still taking LeBron though.
骑士球迷:我们下轮睹分晓呗,如今 啥也欠好 道。不外 尔照样 会站老詹。(该批评 写于今天)
[–]Grand Floridian moneybooy 107 指標 12小時前
If i learned something, never bet against LeBron in the Playoffs. Most People here are straight up delusional.
假如 道尔有啥发展 的话,这便是永久 没有要鄙视 季后赛的詹姆斯。那里很多多少 人曾经涌现 错觉了。
[–]Lakers saidshewannagotoS0HO 38 指標 12小時前
Recency bias is way too peak in this sub, one game and the best player in the world changes.
Playoff LeBron > Playoff Kawhi.
湖人球迷:那里许多 人皆是远期偏偏佳,一场竞赛 便能转变 天下 最好球员的回属。
[–]Spurs greasyfunky 49 指標 12小時前
Im still salty.
马刺球迷:尔照样 很酸。
[–]ShaanR12 22 指標 9小時前
He was the heir to Tim Duncan man...
他原是邓肯交班 人……
[–]Raptors UWhiteBelt 5 指標 7小時前
Honest question, do you feel like Kawhi playing under a Popovich-coached Spurs made him the player he is today?
猛龙球迷:诚恳 提问,您们认为 是波波维偶指点下的马刺造诣 了现在 的小卡吗?
[–]Heat Doesthisevenmatter7 11 指標 7小時前
I have no doubt I can’t remember his name but their was someone on the Spurs that apparently changed Kawhi’s shot completely. I can’t say if Kawhi would have figured it out on his own, but u also can’t put value on being able to come up behind a player like Tim Duncan and having Pop as a coach especially if your someone with Kawhi’s personality.
冷水球迷:尔是没有会疑惑 的,没有忘患上这人是谁了,然则 马刺其时 显著 是有人赞助 小卡完全转变 过投篮的。您也欠好 道小卡本身 能不克不及 揣摩 进去,但是您也不克不及 鄙视 邓肯那种球员战波波那种锻练 的作用,况且 照样 小卡那种性情 。
起源 :Reddit
好帝键盘侠—正因仁出色 批评 汇总