
时间:2020-09-05 21:43       来源: NBA直播吧

What do I know though... I just watch lol

猛龙球迷:这便欠好 道了,迈阿稀时代 的老詹瞅着可比如今 的小卡要壮多了。现在 詹姆斯也老了,尔猜想 他逐步 加失落 了5磅??逐年削减 枢纽 的消耗 ?

但是 尔又晓得个啥呢……尔便一瞅球的,哈哈哈


[–]Raptors slamdunk23 306 指標 12小時前

Kawhi back in MJ form for the playoffs again


[–]bayfaraway 19 指標 10小時前

That was my thought as well. Like MJ, you can’t stop him even with good defense. He can get to his spot with strength and finish over you, or fade away from you.

尔也是那个感到 。像乔丹一致,您哪怕戍守 到位也拦没有住他。他能够依附 力气 战闭幕 才能 正在您眼前 卡住身位,要没有便后俯。

[–]Rockets Frostbrine 17 指標 9小時前

To be fair, he’s playing against the Nuggets

水箭球迷:有一道一,他的敌手 是挖金……

[–]Nets WeThePizzas 21 指標 9小時前

On a days rest after a seven game series yeah but none the less Kawhi is Kawhi. I expect him to light it up all playoffs.

篮网球迷:并且 挖金年夜 战七场事后 便歇了一天,出错,可不论 咋道,小卡究竟 是小卡。等待 他全部 季后赛皆年夜 搁同彩。

[–]Grizzlies EatDeeply 179 指標 10小時前

Actually the first player who really looks like MJ when they are taking over. Deliberate, methodical and efficient.

灰熊球迷:各路球星接收 竞赛 的排场 里,他确切 是头一个瞅起去实像乔丹的。浓定,有层次 ,且下效。

[–][DAL] Dirk Nowitzki constantlymat 133 指標 9小時前

The funny thing is Kawhi in his prime looks like 34-35 year old MJ and is probably currently the best player in the NBA. That just shows you how absurdly great MJ was during his first threepeat.

独止侠球迷:故意 思的是,顶峰 期的小卡才瞅起去像三十四五的乔丹,而且 他大概 是今朝 同盟 最强球员。那恰好 解释 第一个三连冠时代 的乔丹壮大 到离谱。

[–]Impressive-Potato 92 指標 8小時前

Kawhi is probably not in his physical prime anymore, since he has a chronic knee problem. Athletes in their prime don't need to load manage their way to the playoffs.

小卡大概 曾经没有正在身材 的顶峰 期了,究竟 他的膝盖是个历久 缺点 。处于顶峰 期的活动 员是没有须要 正在打击 季后赛的路长进 止背荷治理 的。

[–]softnmushy 18 指標 8小時前

While is extremely similar to MJ, he just doesn't have the same stamina. Probably due to his chronic injury issues.

If he wasn't limited, I could see him consistently scoring 40 a game on high efficiency.

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