【键盘侠】绿军再胜猛龙|西卡难堪重任 小卡才是(4)

时间:2020-09-02 17:44       来源: NBA直播吧
[–]lolknick_s 962 指標 5小時前

He became all of our father during the 4th quarter

到了第四节,他成为了咱们全部 人的爸爸

[–][DAL] Wang Zhizhi suzukigun4life 53 指標 6小時前

Put some respek on Kemba's name too! He had a rough first three quarters but had 11 in the 4th. Those 2 scored 27 of the Celtics 32 points in the 4th.

王治郅球迷:也尊敬 下沃克的名字止没有!他头三节推胯,然则 第四节患了11分。他战斯玛特获得 了凯我特人第四节32分中的27分。

[–]Warriors SovietSuperman 900 指標 6小時前

In 2 weeks, Kemba has doubled the amount of playoff wins that he had with 8 years in Charlotte.

懦夫球迷:便二周时光 ,沃克正在季后赛的胜场便去到了黄蜂8年的二倍

[–][ATL] Trae Young Vignesh17 236 指標 4小時前

He definitely deserves a deep playoff run after dragging that hornets team for years.

老鹰球迷:好赖正在黄蜂甘甘支持 了这些年,他尽对于应当 正在季后赛走患上更近一点儿。

[–]Celtics Bladespectre 517 指標 6小時前

Kemba was cold all game, yet he still had the composure to pull off a dagger stepback in crunch time.

What a difference maker.

凯我特人球迷:沃克整场竞赛 皆脚感冰冷 ,但是他正在症结 时候 仍然能够沉着 天飚退一忘致命的撤步跳投。

那才是转变 竞赛 的人。

[–]Celtics ThanosIsDoomfist 291 指標 5小時前

Kyrie wouldve given up by then. Last years celtics wouldve had Terry Rozier bricking shots trying to play hero ball

Then Kyrie would post some cryptic shit

凯我特人球迷:换干欧文其时 便歇菜了。如果 客岁 的凯我特人,这便是罗齐我测验考试 豪杰 球成果 各类 挨铁。

而后欧文收一点儿古里古怪 的屁话。

[–]Celtics s1mpd1ddy 108 指標 5小時前

It's been a joy watching this year's celtics. Kemba is an amazing fit

凯我特人球迷:瞅那赛季的尔凯竞赛 一向 皆是一种享用。沃克实的很拆。

[–]Celtics ThanosIsDoomfist 66 指標 5小時前*

So many of my fellow Celtics were down on us after losing Kyrie/Horford/Rozier/Morris etc, but from day 1 I thought of it as addition by subtraction, I had no doubt that Brad and Danny had a plan.

We needed those guys who were taking like a combined 40-60 shots a game to leave, so that Tatum and Brown can take that next leap, and they have.

Only player I kinda miss is Baynes, but Timelord is killing it right now.

凯我特人球迷:掉 来欧文、霍祸德、罗齐我战莫里斯等人以后,很多多少 凯蜜皆妄自尊大了。然则 从赛季第一天起尔便认为 那是背背患上邪,尔对于史蒂文斯战安凶的策划 笃信 没有信。

这些以前减起去每一场脱手 40到60次的人必需 患上分开 ,如许 塔图姆战布朗能力 更上一层楼,他俩也干到了。