【键盘侠】绿军再胜猛龙|西卡难堪重任 小卡才是(2)

时间:2020-09-02 17:44       来源: NBA直播吧

[–]Raptors MeatballMcFly 420 指標 6小時前

We 100% deserved to lose this game

猛龙球迷:那场竞赛 咱们尽对于是该死 输球

[–]Warriors schudermcgavin 217 指標 6小時前

Just wait til Pierce calls the series over n y'all will reverse sweep

懦夫球迷:等着皮我斯进去毒奶吧,到时刻 您们便能翻盘了

[–]TheKingofBabes 185 指標 6小時前

Celtic fans praying that pierce doesn’t say shit

凯蜜皆正在祷告 皮我斯别治搁炮……

[–]Celtics Sway40 34 指標 5小時前

Pierce is too cocky to not say something stupid

凯我特人球迷:皮我斯那么狂妄 一人,弗成 能没有道面笨话的

[–]Bucks hou搜索引擎优化 fmops 373 指標 6小時前

Boston has made the great mistake of going up 2-0 on the Raptors

雄鹿球迷:波士整理犯了年夜 错啊,竟然敢2-0抢先猛龙==

[–]Raptors coolco 42 指標 6小時前

I can only hope it turns out that way. Only positive is that we will be able to afford FVV after this series if he continues to play the way he is

猛龙球迷:尔只可寄愿望 于像客岁 一致翻盘了。独一 抚慰 的是,假如 范弗里特再那种表示 ,咱们便能正在系列赛以后战他高价绝约了。

[–][SAS] Dejounte Murray desubeast 729 指標 6小時前

I feel like Raptors' fans are going to go from "Remember when we were down 0-2 against the Bucks" to "Remember when we were down 0-3 against the Cavs" real quick lol

马刺球迷:感到 龙蜜从“忘患上咱们客岁 借0-2落伍 过雄鹿”的生理 很快便切换到了“忘患上咱们昔时 0-3落伍 过骑士”,哈哈哈

[–]Supersonics Zeech360 113 指標 6小時前

Difference is they don't have a top 5 player, who can score at will to bail them out. Not going far relying on Pascal.

超音速球迷:差别 正在于他们如今 出了谁人 同盟 前五的球员,这人能够随便 患上分力挽狂澜。期望西亚卡姆是走没有近的。

[–]Raptors ComputerSaysnooooo 102 指標 5小時前

Just wait till we stop load managing Kawhi

猛龙球迷:这您等着咱们停滞 对于小卡的背荷治理 吧==


[–][BOS] Shaquille O'Neal gda19 2287 指標 6小時前

Where were you when Marcus "Curry" Smart saved the day

凯我特人球迷:马库斯-库里-斯玛特救场的时刻 您们皆正在哪女?!

[–]Lakers mavropanos27 848 指標 6小時前

at home watching the game on my tv

湖人球迷:正在野瞅竞赛 ==

[–]Lakers Cutch2234 343 指標 6小時前

Marcus smart for 13 mill a year HAS to be one of the biggest steals in the league. Man is such a difference maker