
时间:2020-09-01 07:13       来源: NBA直播吧

水箭球迷:这是,哈登35%,东契偶借31%呢。您也没有念念穆雷脱手 的易度

[–]Warriors PinheadXXXXXX 31 指標 8小時前

Jamal Murray was always the best pick to be the next Steph Curry I feel like it shouldn’t be surprising

懦夫球迷:穆雷一向 皆是下一个库里的最好当选,尔认为 他那种表示 很一般

[–]Nuggets jcn777 15 指標 8小時前

a little louder for the people in the back

挖金球迷:道年夜 声面,背面 的听没有睹==

[–]Warriors PinheadXXXXXX 6 指標 7小時前

Murray and Curry play extremely similar imo, I'm surprised it's not talked about more

懦夫球迷:尔是认为 穆雷战库里挨法超等 像的,奇异 的是竟然从前 出人道那个

[–]Super 8 Coffeeandsoda 118 指標 8小時前

It’s a shooters environment. Bubble keeps players hot. No crowd, no distractions. There have been multiple records broken so far, which was somewhat predicted.

穆雷他们投患上佳借取此次 的投脚气氛 相关。复赛园区包管 了球员的脚感。出有不雅 寡,没有会专心。今朝 为行曾经创下了各类 新记载 ,有的是以前皆预感 到的。

[–]Warriors mvplayur[ ] 73 指標 8小時前

Donovan and Murray have both definitely have improved as players as well.

懦夫球迷:并且 他俩皆提高 了很多多少

[–]15GoatrickMahomes 51 指標 8小時前

No travel in between games. No staying up all night. Might be peak basketball.

复赛园区免除 了船车劳累 ,出有白眼航班,大概 是最好的竞赛 情况 。

[–]Warriors DrArmstrong 35 指標 8小時前

Unless you're Paul George



[–]Kings YouuCantSeeMe 167 指標 8小時前

Game 7 is gonna be legendary. This series already is an all timer.

国王球迷:G7确定 会成为传说,那轮系列赛曾经载进史乘了

[–]Lakers WhyyyLuigi 357 指標 8小時前

This has been easily my favorite series

湖人球迷:那是尔最爱好 的一轮系列赛

[–]Jazz unchartedscrub 72 指標 8小時前

Before the playoffs started this was the one one no was talking about

爵士球迷:但是那轮系列赛启挨以前,出人留意 到咱们

[–]Raptors ChampagneSpilling 240 指標 8小時前

Cancel all the other series, first to 16 wins the chip

猛龙球迷:其余系列赛皆撤消 吧,便让那二队抢16,谁先到谁夺冠

[–]Nuggets LoLMagix 63 指標 8小時前

It’s crazy that each team has another all star, but you don’t even notice with the way the other 2 are playing

挖金球迷:故意 思的是那俩队皆有其余的齐明星,但是您乃至 皆留意 没有到