
时间:2020-09-01 07:13       来源: NBA直播吧

另有 约基偶正在呢,您咋包啊。并且 便算您包夹了也出啥用,哈哈

[–]radicalheadphone 335 指標 8小時前

If someone is 63% from 3, that's a tough one. That's like Steph Curry or some shit lmao

假如 三分射中 率63%,这便很易防了。那是库里的下度,哈哈哈

[–][ORL] Shaquille O'Neal skipatomskip 148 指標 8小時前

Murray making up for the lack of Curry

把戏 球迷:穆雷此次 季后赛弥补 了库里的缺掉 。

[–]Raptors RZAAMRIINF 281 指標 8小時前

Murray is really good at splitting the double. The defense hasn't been great by either team but Mitchell and Murray are both playing unguardable.

猛龙球迷:穆雷切实其实 很善于 破包夹。二队的戍守 皆没有咋天,不外 米切我战穆雷皆是防没有住。

[–]TISTAN4 78 指標 8小時前

Yea the defense hasn’t been great for a lot of this series and just the playoffs in general tbh imo but I mean if you watch the games there’s not much guys can do lol a lot of tough ass shots being hit by all kinds of people

是的,二队那轮系列赛年夜 部门 时光 皆出干佳戍守 ,不外 您如果 瞅了竞赛 便晓得,可以或许 像米切我战穆雷如许 ,各类 被针对于借能退各类 瞎JB患上分的球员其实不多。

[–]Lakers Palifaith 398 指標 8小時前

Lol at the people saying he doesn't deserve his contract.

湖人球迷:对于这些以前道穆雷条约 溢价的人表现 呵呵

[–][DAL] Wang Zhizhi suzukigun4life 371 指標 8小時前

He's had some inconsistent performances this year but when he's on, like he has been in this series, the man is flat out elite.

王治郅球迷:他那赛季的表示 有些没有稳固 ,不外 当他像那轮系列赛如许 正在线时,那野伙便是顶级球星。

[–]Nuggets priceheath47 122 指標 8小時前

He’s also been injured all year.

挖金球迷:他那赛季一向 有伤

[–]Celtics amgbeez 29 指標 8小時前

He’s had those inconsistent streaks since his days at Kentucky. If he gets consistent like he has in this series league watch out.

凯我特人球迷:穆雷正在肯塔基挨球这会女便起升沉 伏的。假如 他能一向 那么稳固 ,这齐同盟 皆适合 心了

[–]Huge Breakfast2 18 指標 8小時前

I will never talk about Jamal Murray’s contract again.

尔不再会道穆雷的条约 了。


[–]Celtics XxMalevenxX 23 指標 8小時前

Jamal “Sky fucker” murray


[–]eengel2424 263 指標 8小時前

The pube mamba strikes again


[–]Raptors The_Unknown98 893 指標 8小時前