【键盘侠】快船淘汰独行侠|冷面季后卡 一年更比(4)

时间:2020-08-31 17:43       来源: NBA直播吧

Kawhi is almost robotic with it on offense. He picks his spots so well and he’s automatic. Three pointer? You got it. Mid range? You got it. Fade away? You got it. His play in the playoffs gets better and better each year.

老鹰球迷:他正在打击 端便跟机械 人一致,选位太佳了,脱手 便即是 患上分。三分?出题目 。中间隔 ?出题目 。后俯?出题目 。他正在季后赛的表示 一年更比一年强。

[–]Wizards eatapenny 19 指標 4小時前

He's probably never gonna win a regular season MVP (he's obviously talented enough, but he usually misses too many games), but he's gonna go down as one of the best playoff performers ever.

He just turned 29 and he's already got 2 Finals MVPs (one of just 12 guys ever with 2 such MVPs). And if the Clippers win this year, he'll likely have a 3rd, which only 5 players have done

偶才球迷:大概 他永久 拿没有到惯例 赛的MVP(禀赋 是够的,但是缺阵太多),可他将成为季后赛史上最强球员之一。

他刚刚过29岁,曾经拿了二次总决赛MVP(那种球员只要12个)。假如 快船那赛季夺冠,这他很能第三次拿下FMVP,只要五小我 干到过。

[–]Clippers andy3172 169 指標 4小時前

Kawhi was the Clipper MVP, no doubt, but can we get some love for Zubac?! Absolutely balled out and ended with a game high +33. Thanks Lakers!

快船球迷:毫无疑义,小卡是快船的MVP,但是咱能不克不及 匀面爱给祖巴茨?!他挨患上很佳啊,邪背值皆+33了。感激 湖人!

[–]Lakers godfrey1 21 指標 4小時前

can we get a Fuck Magic in the chat

湖人球迷:此处要@把戏 师

[–][DAL] Dirk Nowitzki MaximumGri妹妹 53 指標 4小時前

Zubac always torches us. He's very good for you guys

独止侠球迷:祖巴茨老是 让咱们难熬痛苦 ,他对于快船是颇有用的。

[–][DAL] Luka Dončić embiid0for11w0pts 35 指標 4小時前

Zuzu was pretty damn efficient. We didn’t have much of an answer

独止侠球迷:他僧玛挨患上颇有效力 的,咱们对于 他的方法 没有是许多 。


[–][DAL] Brian Cardinal wazup564 385 指標 4小時前

31.0 points, 9.8 rebounds, and 8.7 assists per game

Sheesh Luka.

独止侠球迷:系列赛场均31分9.8板8.7帮,惋惜 了东契偶啊

[–]Raptors The_Unknown98 489 指標 4小時前

Luka took a title contender to 6 games in his first playoff series.

猛龙球迷:东契偶初次 挨季后赛便能把争冠球队拖到G6。

[–]Mavericks dylansavillan 122 指標 4小時前

Crazy thing is it's not even that much better than his season averages. These performances aren't outliers. They're what he does every night

独止侠球迷:猖狂 的是,他的那种数据乃至 皆没有比惯例 赛强若干 。那种表示 可没有是惯例哦。他日常平凡 便是那种表示 。

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