【键盘侠】快船淘汰独行侠|冷面季后卡 一年更比

时间:2020-08-31 17:43       来源: NBA直播吧

[Post Game Thread] The Los Angeles Clippers close out the series 4-2 against the Dallas Mavericks 111-97 behind 33/13/7 from Kawhi Leonard

【赛后帖】洛杉矶快船本日 以111-97镌汰 达推斯独止侠。

莱昂纳德33分14篮板7帮攻5抢断、祖巴茨15分11篮板、乔治15分9篮板7帮攻、沙梅特9分4篮板2抢断、雷凶-杰克逊14分5篮板;哈达威10分、芬僧-史女士 16分6篮板4帮攻、克莱伯9分6篮板2帮攻、伯克6分9篮板2帮攻2抢断、东契偶38分9篮板9帮攻。


[–]Heat THATSTHEBOTTOMLINE 685 指標 4小時前

Kawhi was absolutely ridiculous in the 4th.

冷水球迷:莱昂纳德第四节的确 无解。

[–]Mavericks kbthroaway723 338 指標 3小時前

Raptors missed him bad tonight

独止侠球迷:猛龙本日 很念他。

[–]Raptors ChankyChen 158 指標 3小時前

All I could think about while watching our game earlier. This is why we needed Kawhi

猛龙球迷:本日 瞅尔龙竞赛 的时刻 尔便念到那个了,以是 道咱们很须要 小卡啊

[–][TOR] P.J. Tucker RottenSmegmaMan 65 指標 2小時前

He really led us to a ring and then said "I must go, my people need me"

猛龙球迷:他以前实便是戴着咱们拿了戒指,而后道“尔患上走了,尔的人须要 尔。”

[–]DarkSofter 1132 指標 4小時前

Clippers killed it in the last quarter. Kawhi is just something else

快船末了 一节杀逝世 了竞赛 ,小卡便没有是一样平常 人。

[–]Mavericks FullmetalEzio 83 指標 4小時前

When Kawhi was resting and Pg was running the offsense we had a chance, its amazing how bad he was excpet for that one game, but then hen the claw checked in and holy fuck i never seen someone destroy a team so hard without even making a sound, respect to the guy, he and jackson bailed pg out again for sure

独止侠球迷:小卡上来歇息 、乔治接收 打击 的时刻 ,咱们照样 无机会的,乔治除这一场竞赛 ,其余竞赛 挨患上是实菜,但是 松交着小卡上场了,尔勒个来,尔借从已瞅过哪一个球员那么悄无声气 天摧残着一收球队。尊敬 那个野伙,他战雷凶又推了一把乔治。

[–][LAC] Chris Kaman jeremycinnamonbutter 27 指標 3小時前

Its cus everytime theres a reggie trezz lou lineup its a mess. Doc needs to stop doing this.

快船球迷:只有雷凶、哈雷我战路威一路 上场便是一团糟糕,里弗斯实不克不及 那么支配 了。

[–]Spurs Forallotherthings 506 指標 4小時前

kawhi has the most aesthetically pleasing game in the league, no 3 pt chucking, no bitching, just iso goodness

马刺球迷:小卡的竞赛 作风 是同盟 里最具好感的,没有强投三分,没有哔哔,便合时 单挨。

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