【键盘侠】湖人小胜开拓者|季后詹早已现身 别再(8)

时间:2020-08-23 17:13       来源: NBA直播吧

[–]Heat whatdoinamemyself 534 指標 1小時前

Really felt like Dame was settling too often for a bad 3 trying to get a foul call

冷水球迷:尔实认为 利推德强投三分率性 到了蹭犯规的田地 。

[–]IsNewAtThis 150 指標 1小時前

Caruso played great defense on Dame

卡鲁索本日 对于他的戍守 很到位

[–]Grizzlies Projinator 82 指標 2小時前

Caruso is a solid fucking defender and I'm tired pretending he's not.

灰熊球迷:尔没有拆了,卡鲁索的戍守 实踩马靠谱!

[–]TyraTanks 99 指標 2小時前

Caruso was the 3rd star Lakers needed.

他便是湖人须要 的第三星!

[–]Lakers joco1991 46 指標 1小時前

Always has been

湖人球迷:一向 皆是

[–]Lakers CaramelThunder2 35 指標 2小時前

Clippers fans were hating on Caruso so much after game 1 talking about how he's useless and Lakers fans are tryna convince themselves he's serviceable. Check out all three games, Dame's stats when Caruso is on him. He's an unbelievable defender

湖人球迷:G1事后 船蜜狂喷卡鲁索,道他废料 ,而湖蜜便一直 为他措辞 。再瞅瞅曩昔 那三场竞赛 ,卡鲁索戍守 下利推德的数据。他的戍守 很强的。

[–]Celtics BroDudemon 158 指標 2小時前

Lots of foul whining in the game thread, but the Lakers drove all night whereas Blazers were just bricking open jumpers. You’d expect the foul differential, no?

凯我特人球迷:竞赛 曲播揭里很多多少 哔哔犯规的,可湖人整场皆赓续 朝里杀,而开辟 者不过空地挨铁。岂非 您们愿望 裁判吹奖标准 没有同一 ,没有会吧?

[–]Lakers Crippledforlife42 82 指標 1小時前

You can tell who actually watched the game and who just read the stats sheet

湖人球迷:那便能瞅出哪些人实邪瞅竞赛 ,哪些人便盯着数据栏

[–]Bulls forNOreason100 113 指標 1小時前

The Lakers got fouled 25 times to the Blazers 21. It really wasn’t that much of a difference. Lakers drawing contact going to the rim and the Blazers getting a lot of loose ball fouls. It’s really not that difficult to see why they’re not getting as many free throws if you actually watch the game.

公牛球迷:湖人被犯规25次,开辟 者21次,差异实出那末年夜 。只不外 湖人被犯规是冲篮下的身材 打仗 ,而开辟 者许多 皆是抢球被犯规。假如 卖力 瞅竞赛 便没有易晓得,为啥开辟 者出那末多奖球机遇 。

[–]Nuggets UnderratedNightmare 58 指標 2小時前

Watched the whole game. A lot of missed calls for Blazers but the 43 for Lakers was mostly correct. Lakers were aggressive in paint while Blazers settled for jump shots all game, you’re not going to get to free line when only taking jumpers.