【键盘侠】湖人小胜开拓者|季后詹早已现身 别再(2)

时间:2020-08-23 17:13       来源: NBA直播吧

比起23分17板16帮那种数据,年夜 野貌似更爱好 33分17板11帮那种表示 ,尔便认为 那种评判很扯。

横竖 尔便是没法完整 懂得 吧。尔认为 老詹这场竞赛 表示 蛮佳的,虽然说出有像一样平常 一致支割成功 ,但是他照样 蛮强的。

[–][LAL] LeBron James introvert_duck 33 指標 1小時前*

Game 1 Lebron finishes the game with a historic statline: These stats are meaningless. Wins matter.

Game 2 Lebron finishes the game with okay stat with a near 30point margin win: WOW! Lebron sucks look at that stats though. He's old and getting carried.

湖人球迷:G1老詹的数据是汗青 级的,年夜 野表现 :皆是空砍,赢球才算!

G2老詹数据因陋就简 ,球队年夜 胜远30分,年夜 野又道:哇!老詹实菜,瞅数据栏便晓得了。他曾经老了,要蹭他人 年夜 腿了。

[–]yoyowatup 33 指標 2小時前

I don’t think he takes Portland very serious. This was the first game of the series where he looked like he really wanted to win.

尔认为 他出太把波特兰当回事。那才是他卖力 看待 的第一场,您能瞅患上出他是至心 念赢球的。

[–]Raging _Professor 11 指標 1小時前

Yeah. He had that look in his face. He was going for the kill

出错,瞅瞅他脸色 ,杀白眼了皆。

[–]Lakers SuperBatSpider 13 指標 2小時前

Guys can we quit crowning a new best player at the end of every game lol, let’s wait till the end of the playoffs. I can’t deal with this Kawhi Giannis Lebron back and forth

湖人球迷:亲们,咱今后 能不克不及 没有要屡屡赛后皆慢着吹啥新的最强球员啊,比及 季后赛停止 再道佳没有。您们天天 那小卡、字母哥战詹姆斯去往来来往 来的尔皆疲了。

[–]Timberwolves DrWolves 115 指標 2小時前

Honestly I think the one thing LeBron has suffered from in his career is being too passive and too inclusive to his tea妹妹ates. He can put up 40 points whenever he wants but often deferred for the betterment of the team

丛林 狼球迷:有一道一,尔认为 詹姆斯事业生活 对于队友实的太平和 太包涵 ,乃至 皆给本身 招乌了。只有他乐意 ,便能砍下40分,但是他经常 是为了球队的好处 干出让步 。

[–][LAL] LeBron James xyneid 141 指標 2小時前*

I think that's a double-edged sword. Getting 40 points means he'll get beaten up by forcing his body. This cerebral play helps LeBron stay fresh. Unless it's absolutely necessary, he won't go for shock value statline just for the sake of it. He'll just do the bare minimum like he did the other game. Tonight he felt he needed to step up and he did.

湖人球迷:尔认为 那是单刃剑吧。如果 冲着40分来了,这也是身材 遭功啊。如今 那种靠头脑 挨球能够赞助 老詹坚持 活气 。除非是尽对于须要 ,否则 他没有会强止寻求 数据悦目 ,而是干干最根本 的事情 。古早是他认为 有需要 站进去了,以是 便收力了。