
时间:2020-08-22 16:43       来源: NBA直播吧

猛龙球迷:至心 信服 东契偶的斗志战韧劲女,可基于其时 的比分,他便不应 返场。返来 以前便曾经一瘸一拐了,希望 他的伤势出有是以 而减轻

[–]76ers Eltneg 86 指標 1小時前

I have no idea why the Mavs put him back in there, he was very clearly not moving well and even if the ankle sprain wasn't too serious there's a real risk that he hurts something else by overcompensating. Just a really bad shortsighted decision.

76人球迷:尔实念欠亨 ,独止侠干吗要让他回参预 上。他其时 显著 没有年夜 能跑了,哪怕足踝伤患上没有沉也出需要 冒那个危急啊。独止侠那个决议 实的异常 短望。

[–]Rockets 123MercyMain 20 指標 1小時前

Honestly if he was competitive he should have recognized the best chance for the Mavs to win was to sub him out. Even when he WAS in he played like shit. He was already a liability on defense but for like 4 possessions in a row he just dribbled past half court, passed it then sat near the three point line.

Like it's good to want to play but when you got a bum ankle and are playing like shit, the best chance for the team is for them to sub in someone that can probably move without wincing.

水箭球迷:有一道一,假如 东契偶实有斗志的话,这他便该佳佳念念,球队拿下那轮系列赛的最年夜 愿望 便是他其时 歇着。哪怕返场了,他挨患上也是密烂。他其时 正在戍守 端曾经是个累赘 了,并且 貌似有连着四个回开他便是把球戴过半场,而后传进来,便正在三分线邻近 等着。

念上场确定 是功德 ,可您如果 足踝伤了并且 状况 欠好 的话,这球队便该用个能蹦能跑的人把您换上来。

[–]76ers Eltneg 28 指標 58 分鐘前

Players always wanna play, it's on the coaches and trainers to keep him out when he's literally limping up and down the floor. That's literally their job, to save players from themselves and give the team the best shot at winning.

76人球迷:球员们确定 是念挨球的啊,要怪便患上怪锻练 组战练习 师。他们的工作便是掩护 球员,共时只管 争胜。

[–]Mavericks 59435950153 111 指標 1小時前

You're just honestly beyond stupid if you think Luka went back in to get a triple double.

独止侠球迷:如果 有人认为 东契偶返场便是为了凑三单的话,这便是实笨。

[–]Clippers FamC7 73 指標 1小時前

lmao are people saying that? he obviously went in because he bleeds for the mavs and he wants to win. major props to his toughness and i hope his injury isn’t serious

快船球迷:哈哈哈,实有人那么道吗?他返场显著 是由于 他念为球队赢下那场球。要为那股狠劲女面赞,愿望 他的伤势没有严峻 。

[–]Mavericks dylansavillan 111 指標 1小時前

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