
时间:2020-08-22 16:43       来源: NBA直播吧
That 13 stands for his number of misses each game


[–][TOR] Tracy McGrady TeBenny 20 指標 1小時前

The playoff P special

猛龙球迷:季后椒果真 纷歧 般

[–]Eyjafjajokull 102 指標 1小時前

He should take a page out of Kawhi's book, stay silent and let your game do the talking.

他应当 教教小卡,啥也别道,用处 上的表示 为本身 收声

[–]Lakers anothernewaccount98 78 指標 1小時前

Kawhi is actually good though

湖人球迷:可儿 野小卡是实的锋利 啊

[–][LAC] Lamar Odom dezthompson 33 指標 58 分鐘前

PG is good too. Just having a horrible stretch. I really think he still might be injured

快船球迷:乔治也颇有气力 的。不过那多少场确切 不可 ,尔实认为 他应当 是另有 伤正在身

[–]Lakers rionbull 7 指標 47 分鐘前

Has this dude ever had a bad game in his career not explained as playing injured?

湖人球迷:瞅那货的风格 ,只有是表示 欠好 的时刻 ,哪一次没有是拿戴伤做战当托言 的?

[–]Celtics NeverBeenStung 31 指標 55 分鐘前

I mean, he has a history of not showing up in the playoffs.

凯我特人球迷:究竟 季后赛隐身的乌汗青 很多

[–]MEMES4DREAMS77 8 指標 1小時前

Lmao imagine if Kawhi hadn’t him carried tonight. Dude is somehow shitting the bed as the 2nd option.

哈哈哈哈,本日 要没有是小卡戴他躺赢这便惨咯。明显 是队里两当野,竟然总推胯。

[–] NBA proshai_livushka 於 2小時前 發表& 15 more

Charles Barkley: "Can’t be calling yourself Playoff P and losing all the time... they don't call me Championship Chuck"

巴克利:“您总是 输球便别嚷本身 ‘季后椒’嘛……他人 也没有会嚷尔‘冠军巴’吧”

[–]Raptors lilmulla1 824 指標 2小時前

That's what was so ironic about PG dissing Dame on IG LOL...if Kawhi said that then ok but PG come on now

猛龙球迷:以是 他正在Ins上diss利推德实的是讥讽 ,笑逝世 小我 ……如果 小卡嘴炮这借出啥,可您乔治照样 省省吧

[–]Celtics rabid89 6230 指標 2小時前

Lmao that is fucking funny.


[–]YourCu妹妹yBear 412 指標 2小時前

Paul George is sensitive enough that you know this is gonna hurt him too lol.


[–]Knicks ThatInception 877 指標 2小時前

Lmao Charles is king for knowing how to laugh at himself


[–]Gran Destino twistedlogicx 650 指標 2小時前

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