【键盘侠】开拓者力取湖人|大米时间无止境 黑八(7)

时间:2020-08-19 16:13       来源: NBA直播吧

He was surviving off of fouls during that first half. I can't deny that he's an incredible player, but he didn't look dominant tonight.

开辟 者球迷:带维斯上半场犯规出被多吹实的荣幸 。尔没有否定 他很强,可他古早出有统制力

[–]Trail Blazers irelli 195 指標 1小時前

The entire game lol. He arched his back every single shot hoping for a foul

开辟 者球迷:整场竞赛 皆是啊,哈哈。屡屡脱手 皆弓着违念蹭犯规。

[–]Warriors thatlonelyasianguy 269 指標 1小時前

He got bullied in the paint all game when Dwight was out. Not a good look

懦夫球迷:霍华德一上来他便正在外线被欺侮 。体面 挂没有住哦

[–]Celtics LarryBirdsGrundle 392 指標 1小時前

tbf Nurkic and Whiteside are no joke.

凯我特人球迷:道实的,努我基偶战怀特塞德可没有是食斋 的

[–][BOS] Shaquille O'Neal gda19 1768 指標 1小時前

Gotta show some love for Whiteside. He has been amazing

凯我特人球迷:必需 患上把黑边当回事,他颇有气力 的

[–]Warriors thatlonelyasianguy 173 指標 1小時前

Ferreal. People were shitting on Whiteside too, dude is a legit defender. Still can’t shoot worth shit though

懦夫球迷:这却是 。许多 人以前也出少喷黑边,那哥们女戍守 借没有错的。不外 症结 脱手 照样 推胯

[–][OKC] Steven Adams Wes___Mantooth 734 指標 1小時前

That block on LeBron was nasty

雷霆球迷:给老詹的谁人 帽挺失常 的

[–]Tangerine Chicken 286 指標 1小時前

And then right after Dame hit that bomb. I think that sequence killed any momentum the Lakers had

而后坐马给利推德去了个长途 收炮。尔认为 便是那个回开抹杀 了湖人的势头

[–]West vapianonuts24 215 指標 1小時前

Contract year whiteside?

条约 年黑边?

[–]Knicks HokageEzio 116 指標 1小時前




[–]Raptors Kizz3r 429 指標 1小時前

We finally have the answer to the age old question- whats worse the lakers offence or the blazers defence?

猛龙球迷:那个陈词滥调的题目 末于有谜底 了——湖人的打击 战开辟 者的戍守 ,谁更菜?

[–]Clippers ElectricalLos 229 指標 2小時前

Blazer held the Lakers below 100 points, just like everyone expected.

快船球迷:开辟 者将湖人患上分限定 正在100之内,邪如您尔所预感 ==

[–][GSW] JaVale McGee SharkBaitDLS 101 指標 1小時前

Let’s be real, the Lakers held themselves below 100 points. Absolutely weak offensive effort from them.

懦夫球迷:量力而行 天道,是湖人本身 限定 本身 。他们本日 打击 密烂