[Post Game Thread] The Portland Trail Blazers upset The Los Angles Lakers by a score of 100-93 to take a 1-0 series lead behind 34/5/5 from Damian Lillard.
【赛后帖】波特兰开辟 者本日 正在系列赛尾战中以100-93力克洛杉矶湖人。
[–]East ExpressSports 635 指標 1小時前
Bucks fans finally get some good news
雄鹿球迷末于比及 面佳新闻 了
[–]Bucks CreamCityFr34k 356 指標 1小時前
Is it safe to come out now?
雄鹿球迷:如今 能够进去吸吸了吗?
[–]Bucks energizerbunny11 97 指標 1小時前
Imagine losing in the first round of the playoffs as the one seed. Couldn’t be me. How embarrassing. My team would never.
雄鹿球迷:做为头等种子,竟然季后赛尾轮便输球。确定 没有会是咱们。那很多为难 啊。尔的客队便干没有出那种事女==
[–]Lukezin1 969 指標 1小時前
Dame is so good
[–][TOR] DeMar DeRozan conpoff 34 指標 2小時前
Dame with a +19 Jesus
[–][CHI] Derrick Rose jeric13xd 167 指標 1小時前
Poor Bron bout to punch a wall again smh.
He did it all. His statline will be forgotten
他努力 了,他的数据会被忘记 的
[–][BOS] Tom Heinsohn EnjoyWolfCola 40 指標 1小時前
Mitchell, Lebron, Giannis, and Luka. So many big stat lines on losing teams
凯我特人球迷:米切我、詹姆斯、字母哥战东契偶,很多多少 球星空砍啊
[–]Suns NBAFalsehoods 25 指標 2小時前
Damian Lillard is a goddamn psychopath.
[–]jonsnowKITN 2698 指標 1小時前
Those logo shots never get old
LOGO三分永不外 时!
[–][LAL] Kobe Bryant DaHagerBomb 70 指標 2小時前
Mom I'm scared
[–]Rockets Anceint 32 指標 2小時前
my jaw is still on the floor wtf
[–]MEMES4DREAMS77 21 指標 2小時前
[–]NBA jet_10 590 指標 1小時前
Dame filling in the void of Curry for me
Wanna see Blazers v Warriors except it's just Dame vs Curry throwing up shots from the logo