
时间:2020-08-15 14:43       来源: NBA直播吧

[–]Raptors mikekowa 30 指標 9小時前

Haha, I'm an old man so I watched them play.

The strength and size plays a role in how fast he can get the ball to his destination and the off-angles he can pass from. Strength plays a part of why LeBron is an elite passer, it's not a huge factor but it gives him an edge.

猛龙球迷:哈哈哈,尔年事 年夜 ,那些人的球赛皆瞅过。

要控制 传球的速率 战一点儿异常 规角度出球的稳固 性的话,老詹的力气 战身体 照样 挺主要 的。老詹之以是 能成为一位顶级传球脚,取他的力气 没有有关系,那没有是很症结 的身分 ,但是使患上他具有了一点儿上风 。

[–]Magic YouCanCallMeAlFarouq 5 指標 8小時前

Ok I guess I can see that. How high do you think Jokic or Arvydas should rank then, since we’re incorporating in factors like those

把戏 球迷:止吧,尔年夜 概懂了。既然您们提到了身体 战力气 ,这您们怎样评介约基偶战萨专僧斯那种外线的传球脚活呢?

[–]Pelicans LiveSlowDieWhenevr34 11 指標 8小時前

Jokic, if he continues his trajectory, will go down as the best passing big of all time. Currently he's only trailing Wilt Chamberlain in stats. He's definitely passed Arvydas in the eye test.

How that equates with the non-bigs? Honestly, it's really hard to tell. I think keeping it all in a Bigs and Non-Bigs categories makes it easier to define.

鹈鹕球迷:假如 约基偶持续 那种发展 轨迹,这他会成为史上最强的传球型外线。今朝 去道,他只是是正在数据圆里有那末面像弛伯伦。不外 肉眼看来的是,他确定 是跨越 了萨专僧斯的。

那末他们能够战这些非外线球员比拟 吗?道真话 ,实的欠好 道。尔认为 照样 分红外线战非外线二类更易界说 一点儿。

[–]Magic YouCanCallMeAlFarouq 7 指標 9小時前

I think #5 is the right spot for him. Magic, Stockton, Nash, Kidd, Lebron. Idk who else could really be argued over Bron at that point. Big O? Chris Paul? Idk, I feel like that’s a good top 5, with a little wiggle room on the ordering. Top 5 overall is pretty ridiculous for a non PG

把戏 球迷:尔认为 老詹排正在汗青 第五是适合 的。把戏 师、斯托克整理、纳什、基德、詹姆斯。没有晓得另有 谁能排正在詹姆斯后面,年夜 O?保罗?欠好 道啊,尔认为 那个前五照样 蛮精确 的,顶多便是次序 能够稍做调剂 。对付 一个非控卫球员而行,传球汗青 前五曾经相称 了不得 了。

[–]Kings EndlessDysthymia 7 指標 9小時前

Nah you’re right. It feels weird leaving off CP3 though.

国王球迷:您道患上很对于。不外 少了保罗总认为 很独特 。

[–][TOR] Delon Wright DelonWright 2 指標 9小時前

Oscar Robertson gotta be top 5.

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