
时间:2020-08-15 14:43       来源: NBA直播吧

[–]Raptors mikekowa 13 指標 9小時前

I think LeBron is better than everyone listed except for Magic, because of his size and strength. He can make weird contorted one handed passes straight into a chest of a shooter half court away.

猛龙球迷:便把戏 师、斯托克整理、纳什、基德战保罗那些人比拟 的话,尔认为 老詹的传球仅次于把戏 师,由于 他兼具体态 战力气 。他能够正在半场启中,而且 姿态 独特 走样的情况 下,单脚间接精确 天把球运送 到弓手 的胸前。

[–]Magic YouCanCallMeAlFarouq 35 指標 9小時前

I would suggest checking some highlights of Nash and Kidd before you decide. They did some crazy shit too.

And I don’t exactly see why strength and size would decide how they’re better passers.

把戏 球迷:尔发起 您道那话前先瞅瞅纳什战基德的散锦。他们也有很多神级帮攻的。

而且 尔实没有懂为啥体态 战力气 能决议 传球的强强。

[–][LAL] Didier Ilunga-Mbenga honditar 6 指標 8小時前

Lol come on, how you gonna assume the guy has literally never seen Kidd and Nash play hahaha

I've been a fan since the Shaq days in LA, and a hardcore fan since about '06. There are people who match the vision of Lebron (Nash, Kidd, CP3), but his strength, size, and ability to manipulate defenses makes him the best passer I've ever seen. He's able to find/create passing opportunities that those guys cant

湖人球迷:呵呵呵,请托 ,您咋便晓得人野从已瞅过基德战纳什挨球呢?

奥僧我时代 尔便是湖蜜了,年夜 概正在06年这会女成为逝世 忠粉。传球视线能够战老詹比拟 的球员(纳什、基德战保罗)切实其实 有,但是他的力气 、身体 战戏耍对于圆防地 的才能 让尔认为 他便是尔所睹过的最强传球脚。纳什那些人出法找到出法发明 出的机遇 ,老詹干获得 。

[–]Suns Designer_B 2 指標 7小時前

Man you can't put him over Nash are you joking?

太阴球迷:天呐,您竟然认为 老詹的传球比纳什锋利 ,开顽笑 呢?

[–][LAL] Didier Ilunga-Mbenga honditar 10 指標 6小時前

No, I'm not joking. I respect you coming to bat for your guy though.

Nash was obviously more of a passer, role-wise. But Lebron's traits allow him to access and execute passes that Nash could never dream of.

Lebron is the best I've ever seen at being able to reliably deliver the ball as quickly and accurately as possible to any spot on the court from any spot on the court.

湖人球迷:没有,尔卖力 天。迎接 去辩。

很隐然,就任责去道,纳什比老詹更像个传球脚。然则 老詹的特点使患上他能够真现一点儿纳什压根便设想没有到的传球。

便从球场所有地位 到其余任一名置粗准疾速且稳固 的运送 球而行,尔认为 詹姆斯是最强的。

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