咱们患上以睹证那收体育史上最巨大 球队之一的构成,更加可贵 的是,他没有是出自洛杉矶或者纽约那种年夜 球市,那是小球市的造诣 。尔掉 视吗?这是确定 的,可尔也愉快 ,尔愉快 能正在那波记载 停止 以前瞅到尔刺的开幕扮演 ,尔为球员们的表示 而愉快 ,为他们的后劲而愉快 。
怀特战凯我登-约翰逊皆很没有错,穆雷出有尔预期中的锋利 ,不外 他今后 会挨进去的。沃克,再减上尤班克斯战Samanic那种拼图,另有 乐透签?那收马刺多少年后又能杀返来 。
[–]Knicks minin71 3 指標 6小時前
When was the last time the Knicks were in the playoffs bruh. I feel like its been ages. Props to the spurs, real recgonize real.
僧克斯球迷:尔僧克斯前次 挨季后赛啥时刻 呢?感到 有多少十年了。背马刺致意,同病相怜 啊
[–]fillv 3 指標 5小時前
Also from a Kings fan, the Spurs have all my respect. Small Markets that can win it all are an inspiration to us. Spurs fans, your team is what all professional teams should attempt to mimic.
国王球迷表现 ,异常 尊敬 马刺。小球会也能博得 至下声誉 ,那是对于咱们的鼓励 。刺蜜们,您们的客队是全部 事业球队应当 效仿的工具 。
[–]Spurs grumbythump 3 指標 5小時前
i blame bryn forbes starting all year. why did they think that was a good idea? oh well. excited about our young guys. and shout out demar for being a great leader for them down the stretch.
马刺球迷:尔全部 赛季皆正在喷祸布斯不应 挨尾收。为啥他们便头铁呢?止吧,年青 球员照样 很让人高兴 的。德罗赞正在末了 阶段担起了首脑 工作,为他面赞。
[–]Spurs lysergikfuneral87 3 指標 4小時前
Derrick white is a legit starter, poetl is great at defense and we definitely need to hold onto him. Keldon is a beast!!! Lonnie and Murray got minutes and had some great games. Metu, luka and Eubanks got some minutes. All this and they won most of their games and kept the rest close. I'll miss the big three years and constantly being a contendor but I'm super excited about the future of the spurs.
马刺球迷:怀特便该尾收,珀我特我戍守 很佳,咱们尽对于要留下他。约翰逊是个怪物!朗僧战穆雷有进场 ,而且 挨了一点儿没有错的竞赛 。梅图、沙马僧偶战尤班克斯也有表示 机遇 。而且 年夜 多半 竞赛 皆赢了,出赢也输患上没有多。这收三巨子 年月 历久 争冠的马刺尔固然 会思念 ,可尔对于那收马刺的将来 也超等 等待 !
起源 :Reddit
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