Fuck Zaza
冷水球迷:尔仍然忘患上他对于小卡的下足,实是又水年夜 又心碎
[–]Raptors mongoljungle 67 指標 5小時前
lol, one aging player on his way out of the league took down a dynasty
猛龙球迷:哈哈哈,一个行将浓出NBA的球员誉失落 了一个王超
[–]Thunder ItsAndyRu 17 指標 4小時前
Facts lol those 2017 spurs were on their way to taking home court advantage from the most talented super team in recent memory and went from there to being out of the playoffs in 2-3 years
雷霆球迷:真话 啊,哈哈,17年的马刺原来 要从这收远些年禀赋 最强的球队身上拿到主场上风 ,成果 自这以后二三年便无缘季后赛了
[–]Suns Chr02144 61 指標 6小時前
And now for a long and painful rebuild
太阴球迷:而且 如今 又患上阅历 一个冗长且苦楚 的重修 期
[–]Spurs raceforseis21 20 指標 6小時前
马刺球迷:大概 吧
[–]Trail Blazers pdxbball1717 105 指標 5小時前
Hey, maybe you walk into the next Tim Duncan in the draft soon. You never know
开辟 者球迷:嘿,大概 您们很快便能正在选秀上找到下一个邓肯哦。那道禁绝 的
[–]Knicks HokageEzio 1684 指標 6小時前
Welcome to the draft lottery, kept a seat warm for you.
僧克斯球迷:迎接 去到乐透区,早给您们留佳了地位 ==
[–]Spurs lunardeathgod 1129 指標 6小時前
I feel like a cliche rich white girl, who is now poor and has to sit with the co妹妹on folk.
马刺球迷:感到 便像是个黑富好一晚上停业 ,不能不战屌丝为伍==
[–]Spurs TheManWithNothing 157 指標 6小時前
I feel dirty
马刺球迷:尔认为 恶心
[–]Spurs AFunctionOfX 109 指標 6小時前
Our lottery picks have been Kawhi, Duncan, Elliott, the Admiral so I'm happy with "even" an Elliott caliber player
马刺球迷:那些年去,咱们的乐透签皆是小卡、邓肯、肖恩-埃利奥特战水师 大将 。今后 哪怕能选个埃利奥特级其余 尔皆烧下喷鼻 咯。
[–]Spurs KailuaMan 93 指標 6小時前
Kawhi wasn't a lottery pick.
[–][IND] Travis Diener pimpron18 39 指標 5小時前
On top of that he was traded from Indiana for the hometown hero George Hill...kill me
步辇儿者球迷:而且 他是被尔印第安纳生意业务 走的,便为了换回外乡 自满 焦志喜……杀了尔吧
[–]YourMomlsABlank 31 指標 4小時前
well the spurs asked the pacers to draft Kawhi, i honestly dont know if the pacers would have drafted him otherwise
这也是马刺妥协 止者选小卡的啊,否则 的话,步辇儿者借实纷歧 定会选小卡