[–]Suns Just_A_Glitch 997 指標 10小時前
Up until the last few seasons, we were a top 5 most winning franchise in the NBA. People forget that the Suns are historically a good franchise, we've just recently been set back by a bad front office and an owner that is on par with Dolan-levels of awful.
太阴球迷:正在比来 那些年以前,咱们的胜率一度能排到同盟 前五。许多 人皆记了,太阴从前 也是光辉 过的,不过那些年被密烂的治理 层战一个堪比多兰的老板拖了后腿。
[–]Archer-Saurus 641 指標 9小時前
We're historically playoff contenders. This past decade has been like watching a completely different franchise.
Oakland is like the 19th most winning franchise in league history. Literally my entire life they were a joke team, until they drafted Steph.
So, what, Steph should have bailed out of OAK? C'mon man.
I guess Draymond has a lot of time to think about this with his ass outside the bubble.
我们从前 也是季后赛常客的。比来 那十年完整 变了样。
便汗青 总胜场去道,金州懦夫年夜 概排正在第19吧,正在选中库里以前,他们根本 便是个见笑。
以是 呢,照逃梦的思绪 ,库里当时岂非 该分开 奥克兰?请托
尔认为 逃梦正在园区中边女照样 佳佳念念吧。
[–][CHO] Kemba Walker multiple4 122 指標 9小時前
Exactly. And Draymond is out here acting like GS is some historically great franchise
公牛球迷:便是。正在逃梦瞅去,好像 懦夫祖上很阔一致。
[–]wiggins-better 50 指標 9小時前*
6 championships. A lot of bad years but still sparks of success with the Warriors. They are behind the Celtics, Lakers, and tied with the Bulls in rings
6个冠军啊。虽然说许多 年沉溺 ,可照样 中断 获得过胜利 。他们的冠军数仅次于凯我特人战湖人,取公牛持仄。
[–]Lakers AirCincy 21 指標 8小時前
He still has a point though. And I'd easily put the spurs ahead of GS historically off the top of my head.
湖人球迷:不外 这人也出道错啊。要论汗青 的话,尔第一反响 便是马刺正在懦夫以前。
[–]twoheadedboah 219 指標 9小時前*
I see what y’all are saying.... but at the same time, the last ten years is really all that matters when it comes to this stuff
Edit: to clarify, I’m saying that when a player determines whether or not a team is a desirable location, they’re not looking at how good they were in the 80’s or 90’s, they’re looking at how they’ve done lately
尔晓得您们念表示甚么……可避实就虚的道,逃梦道的那事女实的只战曩昔 十年相关啊。
编纂 :尔再道清晰 些,当一个球员决议 一个球队能否念来的时刻 ,他们没有会瞅那个球队80年月 、90年月 有多强,他们正在乎的是比来 多少年。