
时间:2020-08-12 23:35       来源: NBA直播吧


[–]Eduardjm 16 指標 8小時前

Coming from a guy that would’ve been a perennial lotto team in GS if not for generational talents Steph and Klay who advanced the style of the game that dominates the game today, and who can’t do what Booker does, I find this irritating. And yet, he’ll get a mic for as long as he wants for his “takes”, because of the coat tails he rode on.

那话从逃梦嘴里道进去照样 蛮气人的,究竟 他本身 要没有是身旁有库里战克莱那种划时期 的天赋球星,这也是终年 待正在乐透区球队,而且 布克能干的他本身 借干没有到。不外 呢,只有他乐意 揭橥 “不雅 面”,便能有表示的机遇 ,由于 他能叨光 啊。

[–]Celtics hurricanehershel 45 指標 8小時前

Get Draymond off the Warriors so he can be average somewhere else

凯我特人球迷:把逃梦从懦夫搞走吧,如许 他便能来其余处所 无所作为 了。

[–]Cavaliers TheSmokedSalmon420 76 指標 9小時前

openly saying shit like this sucks.

The media would rather players leave and form super teams than be the next Dirk/Kobe of a franchise.

骑士球迷:公然 道那种屁话很操蛋。

不外 比起成为球队的下一个德克或者科比,媒介更愿望 瞅到球队归队来组修超等 球队。

[–]Jvega667 12 指標 8小時前

Its definitely good for the NBA to have a current player crossover to media just to shit talk a team currently fighting for a playoff spot and opine for their best player to go somewhere else. Thats a good way to get people to care about the nba forsure.

像逃梦那种现役球员上节目来道一收在争取 季后赛席位的球队的没有是,而且 撺掇他们最佳的球员归队,那对于NBA尽对于是功德 。那种方法 确定 能让通俗 人存眷 NBA。

[–]Lakers RawDogMeDaddy669 9 指標 10小時前

is chuck and dray buddies now?

湖人球迷:巴克利战逃梦如今 皆成哥们女了吗?

[–]Pacers KobeFakedHisDeath 791 指標 10小時前

Draymond is built for this. Will say all sorts of shit on air to get people writing articles and making salty reddit posts about his hot takes. And he couldn't care less.

步辇儿者球迷:逃梦便合适 搞那些。他会公然 道各类 屁话,给尔子供给 写做艳材,而后借能让人PO一点儿酸没有溜春的帖子。但是他其实不正在乎那些。

[–]LilDumpStain 62 指標 8小時前

Fuck Draymond Green, all my homies hate Draymond Green - Salty redditors

酸没有溜春的键盘侠表现 :“沙雕逃梦,尔的弟兄们皆憎恶 逃梦”

[–]Clippers CounterstrainGang 363 指標 9小時前

I like him more than Perk.

快船球迷:比起帕金斯,尔更爱好 逃梦

[–]Super 8Kawhi_is_a_Fungi 339 指標 9小時前

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