
时间:2020-08-12 23:33       来源: NBA直播吧

[–]Niferwee 90 指標 4小時前

It's like the co妹妹entator said if OG isn't scoring, there's still a reason why Nurse still puts him on for 30+ min.

便像批评 员道的,假如 阿仆诺比出患上分,纳斯借让他挨30多分钟的话,这确定 是有缘故原由 的。

[–]Celtics cpcpfjan 710 指標 4小時前

Get Kelly olynyk some help

凯我特人球迷:给奥利僧克找些副手 吧

[–][TOR] DeMar DeRozan gst96 222 指標 4小時前

Idk if Kelly is usually this good but last 2 games hes really been on, fought for the ball a lot on rebounds to get the Heat 2nd possesions, like a poor mans Tyson Chandler but he can shoot the 3

猛龙球迷:没有晓得奥利僧克是否是一向 那么强,不外 那二场他确切 挨患上佳,为了球队的两次打击 机遇 ,他冒死 抢板,便像穷汉 版的泰森-钱德勒,不外 奥利僧克有三分。

[–]Heat Milos305 85 指標 4小時前

He's really a solid stretch 5

冷水球迷:他确切 是个靠谱的空间型五号位

[–]Celtics clumsynoah 31 指標 3小時前

he's just really got an imperfect skillset on defense, so it's dependent on putting him on the court at the right time, and the rest of the team using the benefits of a 5-out offense to their advantage

凯我特人球迷:他正在戍守 真个技巧 包确切 没有算完善 ,以是 他须要 正在适合 的时光 面进场 ,如许 的话其余人队友便能从五号位推到中线的战略安排 中得益。


[–]Lakers Mml-Bsr-W97 56 指標 4小時前

Maybe Lowry had himself a bad shooting night, but this man makes game-winning plays. Butler had the step for the lay-in and the lead against most defenders, and Kyle turned it into a turnover. Awesome.

湖人球迷:洛瑞古早大概 脚感欠好 ,可他症结 球挨患上蛮稳。巴特勒面临 年夜 多半 戍守 人打击 篮下的时刻 皆是有上风 的,碰到 洛瑞却成为了掉 误……锋利 啊

[–]shanmustafa 1407 指標 4小時前

lowry has mastered the kawhi. yelling “AYYYYYY” loudly while driving to the rim to draw a foul

the heat should never throw bounce passes ever again

洛瑞曾经控制 了小卡的技巧 ,冲到篮下制犯规的时刻 老是 年夜 声叫着“啊”!

[–]Raptors ohgosh_thejosh 154 指標 4小時前

Where do you think Kawhi learned that shit? Lowry's been doing it for a decade.

猛龙球迷:您认为 小卡是从哪女教的那招?洛瑞那花招 皆玩十年了

[–]Cavaliers bball62 13 指標 4小時前

Basically Luka on every drive to the basket


[–]Spurs Piperki 427 指標 4小時前

Really bad 4th quarter for Ji妹妹y