
时间:2020-08-12 23:33       来源: NBA直播吧

This team can win it all again this year. It seems as though everyone has improved.

湖人球迷:那收猛龙那赛季能够卫冕。貌似他们每一个人的气力 皆提高 了。

[–]weekendatbernies20 29 指標 3小時前

I don’t know how Masai does it. These guys are not top 5 picks.

I think they have a chance to win again. They lost their best player and they’re still great.

没有晓得黑杰里怎样干到的,那助人里出有同盟 前五的球员。

尔认为 他们无机会卫冕,掉 来了队里的最好竟然借能那么强。

[–]Demanin_Photography 36 指標 3小時前

How do you defend a team where anyone, even bench, can surprise drop 30 in a night out of the blue.

猛龙那队的所有人、所有板凳球员皆能正在某个早晨忽然 间砍下30分,那您借咋防

[–]Affectionate-Market4 13 指標 4小時前

Last night it was Kyle, today it was Fred. This is what I feel is so great about the Raps. We don't really have a bonafide star like other championship teams. Kinda like the 04 Pistions

昨早是洛瑞,本日 是范弗里特。猛龙那面太强了。我们实没有像其余冠军球队一致有实邪的球星。有面像04年的活塞

[–]Raptors chumkinson 9 指標 3小時前

Strong defence was the key to that Pistons team. As well as this raptors team.

Raps have a deeper roster compared to them for sure. But Chauncey, Rip, Prince and the Wallace's may be the best defensive starting 5 ever

猛龙球迷:刁悍 的戍守 是这收活塞的胜利 症结 ,那收猛龙也是。

固然 了,比起昔时 的活塞,那收猛龙的声威 深度更强。可大概 比卢普斯、汉稀我整理、普林斯战俩华莱士才是史上最强戍守 的尾收五人组。

[–]kilmerindigo 51 指標 4小時前

Raptors are a great counter-punch team. You hit a 3, they hit a 3. You go on an 8-0 run, they call a time out and go on a 9-0 run. It’s terrific coaching, but the execution in big moments is something the Raptors didn’t have 18 months ago.

猛龙异常 擅长 还击 。您退个三分,他们也退。您挨出一波8-0,他们嚷个停息 以后借您一个9-0.那取锻练 的精彩 临场相关,不外 他们如今 那种症结 时候 的壮大 履行 力是18个月以前所出有的。

[–]Lakers gbdarknight77 38 指標 4小時前

Raptors are legit and legit threats to take the East again. Their defense is amazing and have been monsters from 3.

湖人球迷:猛龙确切 强,并且 颇有愿望 再次杀出东部。他们的戍守 很锋利 ,三分也很吓人。


[–][MIA] Eddie Jones usgojoox[] 113 指標 4小時前

Bam looked awful vs OG, Butler played so passively. Nunn and Robinson were invisible all game. A lot went wrong for us, and the Raptors defense was absolutely outstanding for most of the night. That combo will rarely lead to a Heat victory.