【键盘侠】湖勇或成圣诞重头戏|流水的剧情 铁打(2)

时间:2020-11-12 20:43       来源: NBA直播吧

I have hope that Paschall can give us some scoring off the bench, but we have no one that can bother any half decent finisher/big man outside of maybe Draymond and even he's super undersized.

懦夫球迷:尔认为 尔怯下赛季应当 借没有错,不外 瞅了上赛季的竞赛 事后 ,不言而喻的是,咱们毫无外线存留感。如果 撞上湖人,带维斯会把咱们死吃了,并且 詹姆斯也能正在篮下随便 患上分。搁眼全部 赛季,如果 咱们再换上板凳声威 ,这便辣眼睛了。

尔愿望 帕斯卡我能供给 些替补水力,但是 咱们险些 出人抵挡 患上住敌手 轻微 靠谱的闭幕 者大概 外线,除本身皆个头不敷 的逃梦。

[–]Raptors Rebooted23 39 指標 20小時前

I favor the Warriors because the Lakers have a bunch of free agency options and may lose some players too. Warriors have the #2 pick as well, which may be a good pick in itself or can be flipped for a 4th or 5th quality player (depending on if Wiggins stays). Yes, Wiggins is a quality player even though he isn't worth his contract.

猛龙球迷:尔瞅佳懦夫赢,由于 湖人有些自在商场选项,大概 借会掉 来某些球员。懦夫另有 两号签,那大概 会是个佳签,要没有便实现成队里第四或者第五强面(与决于维金斯能否留住)。出错,维金斯虽然说没有值谁人 条约 ,但是他照样 颇有才能 的。

[–]妹妹妹妹m_pi 26 指標 20小時前

I favor no injuries and quality entertainment.

I fear the Warriors will look rusty, the #2 pick is not going to contribute to winning basketball so early, and Curry/Klay/Dray will start to show their age. And I fear the Lakers will be tired and engaging on a season-long minutes management program and distracted by incorporating ring-chasing vets.

The upcoming season just might be stranger than the one which just finished.

尔便愿望 二队没有受伤,挨出下量质竞赛 。

尔担忧 懦夫会挨患上很陌生 ,榜眼秀也没有会那么早进献 即战力,并且 库里、克莱战逃梦也会开端 表现 老态。而且 尔借担忧 湖人会很疲乏 ,全部 赛季皆患上斟酌 球员的背荷治理 ,共时由于 争冠宿将 的磨开而专心。

新赛季大概 会比上赛季奇异 一点儿。

[–]Suns lion5panel 47 指標 19小時前

“Start to show their age”

Oh no they’re hitting 30 they’re practically geriatric

太阴球迷:“开端 表现 老态”

别啊,他们那才30明年 ,别弄患上像曾经是老年人一致。

[–]Prophetic Bets 16 指標 21小時前

Most people are forming their opinions by watching last season but the fact is the Warriors core were not there. Even without KD, they played exceptionally well in the playoffs.

年夜 多半 人对于懦夫的立场 皆是树立 正在上赛季的基本 上的,可究竟 是,懦夫焦点 团队上赛季出挨。即使出了阿杜,他们以前正在季后赛照样 挨患上相称 精彩 的。