
时间:2020-10-12 16:43       来源: NBA直播吧

[Post Game Thread] The Los Angeles Lakers defeat the Miami Heat, 106-93, claiming a 4-2 Finals win and their 17th NBA title.

【赛后帖】洛杉矶湖人本日 以106-93打败迈阿稀冷水,取得队史第17座总冠军奖杯!



[–]Lakers Apollo611 381 指標 2小時前


湖人球迷:年夜 业已经成!!!

[–]gentyent 202 指標 2小時前

I can’t put into words how happy I am to see Lebron win another ring. Also so happy for AD and every other Laker. They earned this shit. Played better than so many people had them pegged for as a team. Also gotta tip my hat to the Heat. Hell of a team that exceeded expectations in every way.

And God damn... they brought it home for Kobe. A storybook championship. RIP Mamba

瞅到老詹再拿一个冠军,尔的确 没法用行语去描述本身 有多高兴 。一样为带维斯战其余每一个湖人队员高兴 。那是他们争夺 到的。他们的表示 超越 了很多 人对于那收球队的预期。

借患上背冷水脱帽致意,那是一收正在各圆里皆超出 盼望 的精彩 球队。

特么另有 啊……湖工资 科比把冠军戴回了洛乡。那是一个童话般的冠军。安眠 吧曼巴!

[–]Fast AndBulbous889 113 指標 2小時前

Wish you were here Kobe. I love you

实愿望 您正在现场啊,科比,尔爱您!

[–]Lakers JoeKool23 181 指標 2小時前



[–]Lakers IWannag0h0me 17 指標 1小時前

When I was kid, I watched Magic and Bird going at it.

When I was a young adult, I watched Kobe and Shaq 3-peat.

Now, I’m a dad, hoping to start the tradition with my kids.

湖人球迷:当尔是个儿童的时刻 ,瞅着把戏 师战推里-伯德逆来顺受。

当尔少年夜 后,又瞅着科比战奥僧我联袂 拿下三连冠。

如今 尔为人女了,愿望 能够战尔的儿童们开端 一个新的保守。

[–]Elcheer 690 指標 2小時前*

You know, maybe the Lakers should've won that close game 5 so we didn't have to watch this slaughter of a game 6 lol

怎样道呢,大概 第五场早该让湖人险胜,如许 的话我们便不用 瞅到G6那种年夜 屠戮 了,哈哈哈

[–]Celtics Brad-Stevens 972 指標 2小時前

Didn't think they had the right role players

Didn't think they had enough shooting

Could you rely on Rondo, Dwight, Kuzma in big moments/games?

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