【键盘侠】热火淘汰绿军|一哥未卜先知 半兽热巴(2)

时间:2020-09-29 09:14       来源: NBA直播吧

Dude got the future sight

独止侠球迷:那野伙能预感 将来 啊。

[–]Warriors HillarysFaceTurn 666 指標 1小時前

Don’t forget he had an early stake in Zoom

懦夫球迷:别记了他老早便投资了zoom(望频集会 硬件,果疫情“爆水”)

[–]totentanz777 321 指標 1小時前

Damn really? Thats a hell of a fucking time to have that.


[–][CHA] Elden Campbell DonEYeet 334 指標 1小時前

Combined with this dude getting in on GSW at the perfect time I swear he's clairvoyant.

黄蜂球迷:并且 那野伙当时来懦夫的时光 面也是完善 ,那货便是个通灵年夜 师。

[–]Raptors Tennisboy77 2092 指標 1小時前

They say Iggy is 36 but he played like he is 25.

猛龙球迷:皆道一哥36岁了,可他本日 挨患上跟25岁一致。

[–]Grizzlies EatDeeply 131 指標 1小時前

He played so hard tonight. Because he is a winner, and didn’t want game 7 pressure on a bunch of young Miami guys who had never felt game 7 pressure

灰熊球迷:他古早挨患上很拼啊。由于 他是个赢野,没有念让迈阿稀那助从已感触感染 过抢七压力的年青 人被G7压垮。

[–][DAL] Wang Zhizhi suzukigun4life 3217 指標 1小時前

The Celtics were up 96-90 with 8:48 to go.

They got outscored 35-17 the rest of the way

王治郅球迷:竞赛 借剩8分48秒时,凯我特人以96-90抢先。今后 被对于圆挨出一波35-17.

[–][MIA] Gary Payton jc-f 86 指標 1小時前*

Not to mention the Heat only scored 2 points in the previous 3:12*

冷水球迷:并且 尔冷后面3分12秒便患了二分。

[–]Celtics R1516 1366 指標 1小時前

Started chucking up 3s at that point. Ridiculous

凯我特人球迷:尔凯便是这会女开端 瞎扔三分的,荒谬 。

[–]Warriors poptimus_rhyme 29 指標 1小時前

It looked more like Boston Rockets in the 4th quarter


[–][MIA] Dwyane Wade EchoSla妹妹aJa妹妹a322 203 指標 1小時前

Marcus Smart chucking up 3s with 20s in the shot clock was not very...smart

冷水球迷:聪慧 哥正在打击 时光 借剩20秒的时刻 强扔三分,那可没有是很……聪慧 啊

[–]Raptors picturesandcomplaint 51 指標 1小時前

Marcus Smart thinks he's steph curry but the problem is he shoots like Marcus Smart

猛龙球迷:斯玛特认为 本身 是库里,可题目 是,他投患上像斯玛特。

[–]Celtics shaes16 25 指標 1小時前

Jaylen is the only one who looks to drive late in games and they ice him out it's infurating.

凯我特人球迷:竞赛 终段只要杰伦正在冲破 ,窝水的是,队友们把他给晾一边了。