
时间:2020-09-20 20:43       来源: NBA直播吧

[–]Magic OC_ill8 47 指標 4小時前

The resilience of the Heat is amazing. Celtics better not take this win for granted otherwise it's Heat in 6.

Praying this goes to 7 though, this series is so fun to watch.

把戏 球迷:冷水太倔强 了。凯我特人可不克不及 把那场成功 太当回事,否则 冷水能6场办理 战役 。

不外 尔照样 等待 挨到第七场,那轮系列赛照样 蛮悦目 的。

[–]Celtics WhizBangNeato 268 指標 4小時前

Boston proved tonight that they need a 20 pt lead in the 4th to win

凯我特人球迷:尔凯古早曾经证实 了,咱们第四节须要 20分抢先能力 赢球

[–]Spurs Methuga 196 指標 4小時前

No, they proved their biggest weakness is a 20-point lead. They played elite defense from start to finish but they just straight up stopped passing twice tonight when they had 15+ leads.

马刺球迷:没有,他们证实 本身 最年夜 的缺点 便是20分的上风 。您凯原来 从初至末皆干佳了戍守 ,但是 只有抢先上风 跨越 15分,便有二次间接没有传球了。

[–][CHI] Taj Gibson PrancingDonkey 22 指標 4小時前

Or it could be them getting tired near the end. Kemba, Jaylen and Tatum all with 40+ mins.

公牛球迷:大概 是背面 挨患上太乏了呢。沃克、布朗战塔图姆古早皆挨了40多分钟啊

[–][GSW] Stephen Curry voldemortscore 333 指標 4小時前

Man Boston really needs to close better.

懦夫球迷:波士整理实患上增强 支割竞赛 的才能 了

[–]Name Number7 85 指標 3小時前

I have no clue what it is. Feels like Brad needs to call a timeout and just get their offensive rhythm for one possession. It totally is some baying for the team, but if he helps them stop the bleeding with a bucket and then a defensive possession with a set defense, it feels it can keep the Celts from getting in their own head.

Honestly, feels like Kemba has been having trouble with traps and the zone.

尔压根便弄没有懂怎样回事。感到 史蒂文斯锻练 应当 嚷停息 稳住球队的打击 节拍 ,哪怕一个回开也佳啊。最少能够行血让队员们戍守 端稳住阵足,也能让他们苏醒 过去。

道实的,尔感到 沃克面临 对于圆的包夹战联防时挨患上有面煎熬。

[–]Heat RiggyTang 806 指標 4小時前

I know we lost but

Is it possible to sign Herro to a 20 year contract?

冷水球迷:固然 咱输了,然则 ,可弗成 以跟希罗绝签20年啊?

[–]Celtics JoeyJoeJoeShabadooSr 449 指標 4小時前

He is so insanely good for a 20 year old. And Duncan Robinson has the fastest trigger I’ve ever see.

凯我特人球迷:那个20岁的小孩其实 是太强了。另有 邓肯-罗宾逊,他是尔睹过脱手 速率 最快的球员。