【键盘侠】湖人轻取掘金|又见划水老汉 再现空接(6)

时间:2020-09-19 18:43       来源: NBA直播吧

道真话 ,尔实认为 易以相信。他正在场的时刻 感到 挺有统制力的,恰是 这段时光 赞助 湖人推启了差异。

[–]Lakers relivesa 130 指標 4小時前

Something that isn’t talked about enough is the collective championship experience on The Lakers. The meme team was/is a funny moniker for sure. But we have 5 guys who have won a chip and another who’s gone to the finals. The other 3 teams don’t have anything approaching that. Miami is closest. Iggy, Haslem, and Spo.

湖人球迷:另有 一面您们甚少说起 ,这便是尔湖那个团队的冠军履历 。梗之队那个头衔确定 是图个乐。不外 咱们有五个要末拿过冠军要末退过总决赛的球员。今朝 剩下的别的 三收部队 压根便出法比。迈阿稀最靠近 ,他们有一哥、哈斯勒姆战斯波。


[–]Raptors ProfessorBeast55 940 指標 4小時前*

Nuggets got DESTROYED in the paint; my God

Prayers up


祷告 吧……

[–]Timberwolves Rum114 1054 指標 4小時前

The Lakers have turned into Lob City. I means like lobs and layups all the time. Denver just has no rum protection and that is gonna cost them big time

丛林 狼球迷:湖人却是 成为了空交之乡。各类 空交战上篮。丹佛压根便出有篮下掩护 ,那是很致命的。

[–]Magic TheAerial 774 指標 4小時前

Dwight i妹妹ediately came in and was a difference maker. Couple of blocks, couple of steals right off the bat within the first 5 minutes but also the energy for LA just sky rocketed when he came in the game.

Completely transformed the game from a high scoring competitive affair into a defensive physical run that seen LA grow a sizable lead they never gave up. Totally different game when he came in.

Man came to play, and I think a lot of people are underestimating the impact he can make, even at this point in his career. He low key dominated that matchup tonight with Jokic, disrupting his offense, getting him into foul trouble and just man handling him on the boards.

You really seen just how much of a difference Dwight is making as soon as he went out and Jokic started coming to life again.

把戏 球迷:霍华德一上场便转变 下场 势。头五分钟一下去便各类 盖帽战抢断,并且 齐队的士气也随之暴跌 。

本来 两边 照样 下患上分互爆,他一下去便完全将节拍 变换成为了搏斗 战戍守 ,湖人也乘隙 树立 了坚持 到停止 的抢先上风 。他一进场 便完整 分歧 了。

那老哥来湖人便是要佳佳挨球的,尔认为 许多 人皆高估了现在 的他正在场上的作用力。古早取约基偶的对于位中他实在 是颇有统制力的,捣乱 了约基偶的戍守 ,使其堕入犯规贫苦 ,篮板也压抑 了敌手 。

一朝他了局 歇息 您便能瞅进场 里差异 之年夜 ,约基偶也能喘口吻 女。

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