鹈鹕球迷:尔认为 史蒂文斯原轮系列赛曾经被斯波完爆,最少那场竞赛 是如许 。打击 端,他破没有了地区 联防,由于 泰斯不克不及 正在肘区安排 球。戍守 端,他们任由泰斯被碾压,由于 冷水晓得凯我特人遇挡装便换人。也不但 是泰斯那一面。是冷水的竞赛 安排 ,他们晓得凯我特人的中锋是坎特战泰斯那种没有擅安排 球也出有中线戍守 的人。固然 了,终极 也患上靠球员退球的共时限定 住敌手 ,不外 斯波实的锋利 !!
[–]Heat spritehead 72 指標 1小時前
This is the story of the game. Boston bigs are liabilities against highly skilled players.
冷水球迷:那便是原场竞赛 的缩影。波士整理的外线碰着 技巧 型球员便黑给。
[–]Celtics R33V3R13 36 指標 1小時前
Absolutely. Kanter had a good second quarter but got absolutely abused at the rim in the third. Theis was getting switched onto and cooked by Dragic over and over in the fourth. One decent big defender and we probably win tonight, maybe not the series, but atleast tonight
凯我特人球迷:借实是。坎特第两节挨患上很佳,但是第三节正在外线被完虐。泰斯第四节屡屡一换防便被德推季偶学干人。凡是有个靠谱的戍守 外线,大概 咱们本日 便拿下了。
[–]Goose milky 236 指標 2小時前
Bruh dragic is a goddamn superstar these playoffs. Holy fuck!
[–]Mavericks LTTNBA 55 指標 1小時前
Always has been
独止侠球迷:一向 皆是。
[–][DAL] Wang Zhizhi suzukigun4life 898 指標 1小時前
Dragic in the 2nd half: 16 points on 6/11 shooting, 3/4 from 3, 3 rebounds, 3 assists, 0 turnovers, +12 from the floor on 16 minutes
王治郅球迷:下半场的德推季偶:11中6患上16分,三分4中3,3板3帮0掉 误,进场 16分钟邪背值+12.
[–]Spurs Narwien 425 指標 1小時前
A monster game from him, he took over. Slavs rarely crumble under pressure
马刺球迷:家兽级扮演 ,他接收 了竞赛 。斯推妇人正在沉压之下甚少推胯。
[–]Lakers Jayveesac 433 指標 2小時前
Once again, Dragic's consistency wins Miami the game.
湖人球迷:再一次,德推季偶的妥当 让冷水赢球。
[–]Lakers Apollo611 35 指標 1小時前
Yeah he couldn’t miss in the 4th
湖人球迷:是啊,他第四节矢无虚发 。
[–]TBD1710 89 指標 2小時前
Goran Dragic has become prime Steve Nash
他曾经有顶峰 纳什的感到 了
[–]Heat abaughma44 309 指標 2小時前
ik people talk about this is Ji妹妹ys team, but Dragic has definitely been underappreciated this playoffs