
时间:2020-09-16 15:43       来源: NBA直播吧

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[–]henry_why416 39 指標 10小時前

Happy for NN. Going from doing the team laundry to being a championship level head coach and getting paid millions is a hell of a plotline.

为纳斯高兴 啊。从一个给球队洗衣服挨纯的小脚色 ,发展 为一位年薪多少百万的冠军主帅,那小说实尽了。

[–]Rockets sobelowus 118 指標 10小時前

In my opinion best coach in the league.

水箭球迷:尔认为 他便是同盟 最好锻练

[–]Grizzlies USADV 5 指標 6小時前

Him and Spo...


[–]Raptors WickedWorld91 115 指標 9小時前

In my totally unbiased opinion I completely agree...

猛龙球迷:尔完整 主观天表现 赞成 ……

[–]Rockets sobelowus 121 指標 9小時前

ya'll took the Celtics to 7 with siakam turning into dragen bender. I think you guys won like 2 games just by his coaching ability alone lol.

水箭球迷:西卡皆挨本钱 德我了,您们竟然借能战凯我特人年夜 战七场。尔认为 您们年夜 概有二场竞赛 是杂靠锻练 罪力拿下的,哈哈哈

[–]Raptors smeg_ 74 指標 9小時前

If Siakam was halfway decent we'd be in the Finals. What a let down. I hope he comes back angry after this

猛龙球迷:凡是西卡佳使一面,咱们是能退总决赛的。实的掉 视啊。愿望 他下赛季戴着肝火 返来 。

[–]thedarthvader17 42 指標 8小時前

I hope Raptors compete, would hate to see the best coach in the league toil away in a rebuild.

愿望 猛龙保有那种合作力,尔可没有念瞅到同盟 最好锻练 正在一收重修 期球队干牛干马啊。

[–]Raptors epicfacej 61 指標 7小時前

Next year is anyone's guess, probably still competitive but who knows. However I don't think there's a chance we go full blown rebuild, because we've been managing our cap sheet so we can make a big swing in 2021 free agency, and blowing it up would make it harder to convince someone to come here.

猛龙球迷:下赛季欠好 道啊,大概 尔龙仍然很强,但是也纷歧 定。不外 呢,尔认为 咱们借没有至于会走到完整 拉到重修 的田地 ,由于 咱们的薪资构造 借能够,以是 21年自在商场能够去一把年夜 的,如果 拉到沉去的话这您怎样压服他人 过去啊。

[–]Raptors dcarson10 24 指標 6小時前

This team won't go full rebuild. They're too good at finding talent. At most, they go the Boston the route and take a year or two in the 30 win department. But they will compete as much as they can with Siakam, FVV, OG, and Davis