【键盘侠】掘金胜快船|巴克利稳得不行 小卡也难

时间:2020-09-06 16:43       来源: NBA直播吧

[Post Game Thread] The Denver Nuggets defeat the Los Angeles Clippers 110-101 behind 27 points and 6 assists from Jamal Murray to even the series at 1-1.

【赛后帖】丹佛挖金本日 以110-101小胜洛杉矶快船,将系列赛年夜 比分扳为1-1。



[–]Nuggets spiralism 29 指標 2小時前

Alright, so everyone who was calling us frauds after game one, saying we'd robbed people of another series of Mitchell and saying we were gonna get swept....line up here to apologize.

挖金球迷:止了,以是 G1以后,道咱们是火货的人、这些道咱们抢了米切我一轮系列赛、这些道咱们要被横扫的人……皆去那里列队 报歉 吧

[–]West ExpressSports 1671 指標 2小時前

Nuggets were just scouting Game 1

本来 挖金第一场不过正在摸索

[–][CLE] LeBron James TheSlickPanda 58 指標 2小時前

It's a feel game

骑士球迷:找感到 罢了

[–]Heat xanborghini 868 指標 2小時前

they were really resting lol

冷水球迷:他们其时 确切 是正在歇息 ,哈哈哈哈

[–]Nuggets MasonL52 446 指標 2小時前

Jamal straight up said in the post game interview "we were tired game 1, hate to say it but we were"

挖金球迷:穆雷赛后皆曲道了,“咱们第一场很疲乏 ,不能不认可 ,但是究竟 如斯 。”

[–]RaptorsRZAAMRIINF 124 指標 1小時前

I mean, it was kinda obvious that they are going to be tired as fuck given how Jamal reacted to hearing they will only get 1 day off after game 7.

猛龙球迷:尔认为 是比拟 显著 的,究竟 穆雷其时 得悉G7事后 只要一天歇息 时是这种反响 ,这他们战快船挨G1确定 乏患上一匹

[–]West ExpressSports 30 指標 1小時前

Yeah everyone looked absolutely exhausted at the end of Game 7, can't believe they only got a day's rest. Big dick move would've been resting all the starters game 1 lol

对于的,抢七战末了 阶段挖金每一个人皆透收了,竟然只要一天的歇息 时光 。成果 G1让全部 尾收皆正在场上歇息 ,那实是D年夜 操纵 ,哈哈哈

[–]Nuggets LogenMNE 488 指標 2小時前

Basically a scheduled loss. It is really hard to prepare for a new series in less than 2 days after a game 80-78 nerve wrecking game 7

挖金球迷:G1根本 是预期中的输球。一场80-78危险与胜的G7事后 ,歇息 时光 才没有到二天,那实的很易备战一轮新的系列赛。

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