[–]Raptors everything_raptors 824 指標 1小時前
That’s the worse part. When you think your a championship contender and then get hit with reality in a matter of a week. That was the 2018 raptors for me
猛龙球迷:那才是痛面,原来 借认为 本身 是争冠球队,成果 便正在一周时光 内被实际 暴打。那便是尔阅历 过的18年猛龙
[–]Freaky-sharkey 327 指標 1小時前
At least the raptors kept losing to prime LeBron who obliterated the entire eastern conference for like five straight years, this just seems so much worse.
最少猛龙一向 输的是顶峰 期詹姆斯啊,他但是 持续 五年造霸全部 东区的,雄鹿那要丢脸 很多啊。
[–][DAL] J.J. Barea FullSass 149 指標 57 分鐘前
8 straight
独止侠球迷:持续 八年……
[–]Heat IntimatePublicity 69 指標 1小時前
When I was 13, I broke my leg real bad and had to have surgery. The next day, like 20 guys from the Bucks basketball team were making their rounds around the hospital and they stopped by my room. Giannis Antetokounmpo gave me a Bucks hat and asked if I’d root for them in the next game. I told him no.
冷水球迷:尔13岁的时刻 摔断了腿,自愿 脚术。次日,年夜 概有20名雄鹿队员正在病院 邻近 转游,他们借看望 了尔。字母哥给了尔一顶雄鹿的帽子,问尔下一场竞赛 能否会替他们减油。尔表现 没有会。
[–]Bucks RenDabs 132 指標 1小時前
Incredible how bad we were in the 4th quarter, straight up shit the bed
[–]Raptors coool_beanzz 1992 指標 1小時前
At least Giannis will be well rested for the Su妹妹er League
猛龙球迷:最少字母哥能够正在夏联以前获得 充足 歇息 ==
[–]Bucks iFinesseThePlug 583 指標 1小時前
Gotta get that rest, thanks Bud
雄鹿球迷:这借实患上佳佳歇息 ,多盈了布登霍我泽
[–]NBA jet_10 117 指標 1小時前
He's ready to get the 3rd MVP next season!
他曾经预备 佳下赛季牟取 第三座MVP奖杯!
[–]NBA jspsfx 23 指標 1小時前
Rest through the playoffs - dominate MVPs.... A revolutionary strategy!
季后赛佳佳歇息 ,而后统制MVP奖项……那实是反动性计谋 !
[–]Raptors ZincHead 210 指標 1小時前
Dude looks like he's limping a bit. The co妹妹entators were saying he might be injured.
猛龙球迷:貌似字母哥足有面跛啊。讲解 员道他大概 受伤了
[–]Heat callmeneosporin 26 指標 1小時前
he landed bad on his ankle in the first quarter