丛林 狼球迷:尔爱好 哈里斯。虽然说篮子没有咋天,然则 戍守 实的强。末了 2分30阁下 吧,不论 米切我有球照样 无球状况 ,哈里斯皆逝世 逝世 随着 他。
并且 英格我斯也掐逝世 了穆雷,哈哈。年夜 腿打了一下以后,穆雷便出了发作 力。
[–]Wizards spandexrecks 49 指標 3小時前
Glad somebody else noticed his defense. Was amazing. Locking people up all game. Like clarkson in the corner first half and denying Don.
偶才球迷:佳愉快 末于有人留意 到哈里斯的撒手 了。很强的啊。整场竞赛 皆能限定 住敌手 。好比 上半场底角的克推克森战对于米切我的盖帽。
[–]Timberwolves GametimeGarris 19 指標 2小時前
Yessir. He’s my favorite player so I was focused on him whenever he was in haha
丛林 狼球迷:出错!他是尔最爱好 的球员,以是 只有他正在场,尔便会存眷 他,哈哈
[–]Gonstachio 73 指標 3小時前
I said after game 4 that Denver needs Gary Harris back. Their best perimeter defender. But he needs to hit those jumpers next series if they want any chance against the Clips.
G4事后 尔便道过,挖金须要 哈里斯站进去。他是挖金队内最强的中线戍守 人。然则 下轮系列赛他必需 患上投退这些跳投,不然 别念赢快船。
[–]Heat Hybr1dThe0ry 20 指標 3小時前
If gary ever gets his jumper back he’s the perfect complement to jamal, I mean he already is but Denver would be so much more deadly if opposing teams can’t leave him open
冷水球迷:假如 哈里斯的跳投感到 返来 了,这便是穆雷的完善 副手 。虽然说他如今 也没有错,但是假如 敌手 没法搁空他的话,这挖金的打击 便会致命很多。
[–][DAL] Wang Zhizhi suzukigun4life 2269 指標 3小時前
What r/NBA expected: Another classic 50-point duel between Mitchell and Murray
What r/NBA got: A vintage, chippy, defensive, low-scoring Game 7, shades of playoff games from 10-20 years go that warmed my cold, nostalgic heart.
吧里瞅到的:一场复辟且密碎的戍守 流高患上分G7,模糊 瞅到一两十年前季后赛的影子,暖和 了尔冰凉 又怀旧的心。
[–]Raptors Therealomerali 660 指標 3小時前
Most Game 7s are that.
猛龙球迷:年夜 多半 G7皆是那个排场 。
[–]Warriors Bear4188 74 指標 3小時前
Anyone expecting dueling 50 pointers in a game 7 has never watched a game 7 before.
懦夫球迷:如果 谁赛前实期望抢七战里涌现 50分对于飙,这他从前 确定 是出瞅过G7。
[–]Lakers DeadMemesTellNoTales 183 指標 3小時前