【键盘侠】绿军胜猛龙|过招强手 才是无“卡”多(3)

时间:2020-09-01 07:13       来源: NBA直播吧

[–]Thunder vincemcmahonsburner 810 指標 6小時前

Kemba is such a great fit for the Celtics. I’m glad they’ve got him instead of KI

雷霆球迷:沃克实的合适 凯我特人。患上盈是他把欧文换失落 了

[–]Celtics gagnonca 500 指標 6小時前

It feels so good to have KI out of Boston.

凯我特人球迷:收走欧文的感到 可太爽了

[–]Celtics Pranay1717 144 指標 6小時前*

I miss watching Kyrie's ball handling even though Kemba defends and passes much better.

凯我特人球迷:虽然说沃克的戍守 战传球强许多 ,但是尔照样 会惦念 欧文的控球

[–]Celtics Di0nysus 39 指標 6小時前

Yeah I prefer Kemba for sure, but I gotta admit watching Kyrie play was fun as hell while it lasted.

凯我特人球迷:对于的,尔也更念队里有沃克,但是有一道一,瞅欧文挨球照样 蛮过瘾的。

[–]tight_butthole 129 指標 6小時前

I’ll always love Kyrie, but yeah it’s obvious looking back that his style of play didn’t fit the team like Kemba’s. Kemba is very quick to give the ball up and let other guys work, and his spot ups are key. When we need a basket he can get one with an iso.

尔一向 皆爱好 欧文,但是很隐然,他的作风 便是战凯我特人没有拆,沃克便纷歧 样了,他能够疾速出球让队友介入 打击 ,并且 他的定面投篮也很症结 。当球队须要 患上分时,沃克借能单挨。

[–]Hornets Ochikobore 110 指標 6小時前

also he’s a great locker room guy. Drama seems to follow Kyrie to every team he’s been on.

黄蜂球迷:沃克照样 个很棒的换衣 室球员。貌似欧文来哪女,哪女便有佳戏瞅。

[–]Celtics Hashgordon65 30 指標 6小時前

Shout out to Kemba for playing very good defense on FVV

凯我特人球迷:沃克那场把范弗里特防逝世 了,为他面赞。

[–][BOS] Jayson Tatum pr_rajeev 152 指標 7小時前

FVV struggling was more surprising than Siakam. We have good defenders to throw at Siakam but expected FVV to go off. Kemba and Wanamaker did a great job of containing him

凯我特人球迷:比起西卡,范弗里特的高迷更让人惊奇 。究竟 咱们派出了戍守 哨兵 针对于西卡,但是筹划 听任范弗里特暴走。沃克战沃纳梅克对于他的限定 干患上很佳。

[–]Raptors Bee_lrl 31 指標 6小時前

Fred was bricking everything tonight

it was like seeing pre child FVV last year

猛龙球迷:范弗里特古早便是赓续 砸筐。感到 瞅到客岁 喜当爹以前的他了

[–]Raptors qetupa 82 指標 6小時前

2nd Round FVV activated


[–]Grand Floridian moneybooy 87 指標 7小時前