
时间:2020-08-25 08:44       来源: NBA直播吧

[Post Game Thread] The Dallas Mavericks come back from 21 down to defeat the Los Angeles Clippers in OT 135-133, evening the series 2-2 despite missing Kristaps Porzingis with a knee injury; Luka Doncic with 43/17/13 and the game-winning 3.

【赛后帖】达推斯独止侠本日 经由 减时甘战完毕21分年夜 顺转,以135-133险胜洛杉矶快船,将系列赛比分扳为2-2.



[–]Heat MiaCannons 2986 指標 2小時前

Luka Doncic really had a 40 point triple double on a sprained ankle AND A GAME WINNING STEP BACK THREE

冷水球迷:足踝扭伤的东契偶竟然实的挨出了40分年夜 三单,借退了尽杀的撤步三分!!

[–]Lakers xdatlam 83 指標 2小時前

Without K Porzingis and coming back from 21 down.

湖人球迷:而且 是铂金缺阵情形 下的21分顺转。

[–]jfk_sfa 197 指標 1小時前

He had 7 more points than the next highest player in the game

He had 8 more rebounds than the next highest player in the game

He had 8 more assist than the next highest player in the game


[–]Trail Blazers FurtherThatElevation[ ] 100 指標 2小時前

That was Dame level shot making, and LeBron level domination. Definitely the moment of the playoffs so far. Only way it could have been better would have been over PG haha but maybe thats too much to ask

开辟 者球迷:投篮是利推德级其余 ,统制力是詹姆斯级别。尽对于是季后赛今朝 为行的最下光刹时 。如果 谁人 尽杀是正在乔治头上飚退的便佳了,不外 那请求 太多了。

[–]76ers TakenakaHanbei 1047 指標 2小時前

Can't wait to see him win MVP in the near future.


[–]HispanicAtTehDisco 657 指標 2小時前

Yeah finals MVP in like a month


[–]Mavericks UnPhayzable 184 指標 2小時前

Face of the league soon. Gotta be

独止侠球迷:很快便是同盟 的门里了,必需 的。

[–]Bucks YesOrNah 56 指標 2小時前

The amount of trophies and awards he is going to rack up over the course of his professional career is going to be absolutely bonkers.

雄鹿球迷:他今后 尽对于拿奖拿得手 硬。

[–]Bucks RenDabs 308 指標 2小時前

Future of the league is in good hands

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