【键盘侠】独行侠轻取快船|铁声依旧惹人嘲 年复(2)

时间:2020-08-21 08:14       来源: NBA直播吧

[–]Lakers rebeltrillionaire 78 指標 3小時前

Trey Burke outscored Paul George. hahaha


[–]Mavericks DrChill21 133 指標 3小時前

Amazing game. Earned more minutes next game if you ask me.

独止侠球迷:他挨患上确切 佳,要尔道了局 便该让他多挨挨。

[–]Mavericks versorectofolio 24 指標 2小時前

Yeah he's been cold-blooded. I know Mavs had been grooming Jalen Brunson to be the next J. J. Barea-type of backup PG, but I actually think it's Trey Burke.

In Rick's system though, he loves having multiple ballhandlers so I guess having a surplus of guards is not a bad problem for him to have.

独止侠球迷:是的,他很沉着 。尔晓得独止侠一向 盼着布伦森发展 为下一个巴里亚范例 的替补控卫,可尔认为 那人实在 是伯克。不外 正在卡莱我的系统 里,他爱好 支配 多个持球人,以是 尔认为 后卫多一面也已尝是好事。

[–]Mavericks TXlandon 81 指標 3小時前

He’s a completely different player than what I expected. Amazing energy and hustle, and he plays with soooo much confidence I love it

独止侠球迷:伯克完整 推翻 了尔的预期,活气 谦谦且拼劲实足 ,并且 尔爱好 他身上这股自负 。

[–]Mavericks spongyguy24 36 指標 3小時前

Trey Burke is convincing me Brett brown is bad

独止侠球迷:伯克的表示 让尔信任 ,布雷特-布朗实的不可 。

[–][DAL] Wang Zhizhi suzukigun4life 96 指標 2小時前

Burke has had some great games for us in the bubble and Seth has become a favorite due to how good he's shown he can be when he's healthy. They both brought their A-game and Bobi made plays too! God I needed this.

王治郅球迷:伯收复 赛时代 便挨出过一点儿没有错的表示 ,而塞斯曾经很讨喜了,由于 他曾经展现 过本身 康健 时的才能 。他俩那场皆挨出了各自的最下火准,并且 专班也有施展 !实的实时 雨。

[–]Mavericks piratagitano 715 指標 2小時前

Boban! With only a 10 minute contribution but so needed

独止侠球迷:专班!便挨了10分钟,然则 弗成 或者缺。

[–][TOR] Norman Powell RookieAndTheVet 505 指標 2小時前

I love watching him pluck rebounds 5 feet above people’s heads.

猛龙球迷:尔很爱好 瞅他正在他人 头顶戴篮板。

[–]Mavericks cjn13 252 指標 2小時前

He doesn't even need to jump to dunk. It's like watching an adult playing against a bunch of kids

独止侠球迷:他乃至 皆没有须要 跳。便像是年夜 人战一助大人挨球。

[–]madizboz 1425 指標 3小時前

Luka Doncic is a great player, but I just want to mention that Rick Carlisle is an all time great coach. He makes the bench unit that much better and more cohesive.

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